EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I don't think Trump, Cruz or Rubio has a chance in the general.. This election was Sanders v Clinton. First candidate I've ever donated $ to and probably the last..sad day for this country. I guess they like Billionaires controlling elections.
If Trump hadn't gotten into the mix maybe Bernie would have faired better. But nobody wants Trump so they cannot risk a vote for Bernie....we need a sure thing


Well-Known Member
One way or another. Personally, I'd like to see Mr Sanders win, or at least be close enough that the race isn't decided. More Americans need to hear his message.
he started much too late with his message. He should have started in 2014


Well-Known Member
If Trump hadn't gotten into the mix maybe Bernie would have faired better. But nobody wants Trump so they cannot risk a vote for Bernie....we need a sure thing

Bernie is crushing Trump in the polls, he's beating Trump, Rubio and Cruz in every poll I've seen.


Well-Known Member
When you look at polling the establishment puts out, Hillary creams Trump. Because that's what they want you think. Whenever Democrats across the spectrum insist on the candidate Republicans should nominate for best chance at presidency, that should be a huge red flag. It's a sign of a weak candidate. (Marco)


Well-Known Member
Those are hecklers for entertainment. Some of them are plants just to get the cameras to move and show the huge crowds. LOL TRUMP!
Wow Trump has really got you fucked up. I bet if he told you he is not going to cum in your mouth you would believe him...or wouldn't care.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Trump, Cruz or Rubio has a chance in the general.. This election was Sanders v Clinton. First candidate I've ever donated $ to and probably the last..sad day for this country. I guess they like Billionaires controlling elections.
Of course THEY do, but since I'm not one of THEM, I'm not planning to give up.

I think plenty will be disgusted and incensed at the current state of affairs, and change- the real kind- will come.


Well-Known Member
If Trump hadn't gotten into the mix maybe Bernie would have faired better. But nobody wants Trump so they cannot risk a vote for Bernie....we need a sure thing
Except that Mrs Clinton is less and less of a sure thing the longer this goes.