EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

and you actually think Bernie will or better yet will be able to do all he says. How long have you been voting ?

I'm confident Sanders won't be toppling regimes, invading foreign countries and getting our troops mamed or killed. I'm confident that Sanders will reform campaign finance and reschedules weed. You are aware that EVERY republican in this country hates Hillary and wants to see her dead or in prison.. Don't tell me Sanders can't get shit done but Hillary can.
That`s all you could come up with, made up shit ?? No difference between you and Hillary. You will vote your order when told.
Trump has donated multiple times to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, genius

You think you're voting outside the box by voting for Trump but the hilarious irony is that couldn't be further from the truth

He's doing to you what he did to the people he scammed into going to Trump University
I'm confident Sanders won't be toppling regimes, invading foreign countries and getting our troops mamed or killed. I'm confident that Sanders will reform campaign finance and reschedules weed. You are aware that EVERY republican in this country hates Hillary and wants to see her dead or in prison.. Don't tell me Sanders can't get shit done but Hillary can.
They will call Bernie a socialist and then the shit will hit the fan. Are you new to voting like your other Bernie fans ? Republicans will not work with Bernie,nor will Bernie work with Repukes. Keep it real
To say Trump does not have the racist riled up is bullshit, at least be honest. They see now is the time "to get their country back "

If he riled up the racists,.. that`s not his issue. Hillary draws the liars and thieves, But you no comment on that. Vote when told and for who when told. Stay your course.
He's like 17% ahead of Trump, and Trump is going to win the GOP nomination.
+10 on the RCP average (and constantly improving over time);

They will call Bernie a socialist and then the shit will hit the fan. Are you new to voting like your other Bernie fans ? Republicans will not work with Bernie,nor will Bernie work with Repukes. Keep it real
This is wrong. Republicans have endorsed Sanders while Democrats have publicly stated if Clinton wins the nomination, they won't vote for her
He's like 17% ahead of Trump, and Trump is going to win the GOP nomination.
I agree, Trump is going to win the nomination. We are on the same page. Absolutely
But Trump hasn't even started on Bernie yet. It's way too soon for that.
Hillary will be picking up a lot of delegates this Tuesday. Maybe it's best to focus on your short game for now.
They will call Bernie a socialist and then the shit will hit the fan. Are you new to voting like your other Bernie fans ? Republicans will not work with Bernie,nor will Bernie work with Repukes. Keep it real

The only things that cunt Clinton will get passed is the Pro wall street and big pharma packages that the right wants too..are you new? Oh and she will be heavily hawkish and defense contractors will love her.
If he riled up the racists,.. that`s not his issue. Hillary draws the liars and thieves, But you no comment on that. Vote when told and for who when told. Stay your course.
Riling up racist to get there vote is an issue, maybe not for you, Which actually speaks volumes. Trump VS Hillary. That's easy.
I'm confident Sanders won't be toppling regimes, invading foreign countries and getting our troops mamed or killed. I'm confident that Sanders will reform campaign finance and reschedules weed. You are aware that EVERY republican in this country hates Hillary and wants to see her dead or in prison.. Don't tell me Sanders can't get shit done but Hillary can.

If not for Maple syrup, Vermont would be broke. He also took in war refugees from the Middle East and pissed off his State. At least our Governor insisted these refugees not go into the general public on welfare. Got shit for it but that`s his job, making decisions.