EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Active Member
The Sanders campaign had there own app to count ballots at the Iowa caucus because they were suspicious of Microsoft's software. Msnbc used the word suspicious 4 times and conspiracy theory once whike covering this. Go look it up.


Well-Known Member
sadly I have a confession..on my way to early voting a couple was leaving with baby stroller and no 'I voted' stickers..overheard was 'if he loses by 2 votes, it's gonna be our fault'..I'm thinking WTF? so I go in, show my ID and told I can't vote..(the rage hasn't quite made it from brain to mouth) as they tell me 'I have no ballot'..W..T..F???? seems I'm 'no party' (changed parties from dem to indie to align with Sanders and forgot to change it back).

Sanders never got my vote:cry:

<schuylaar braces for shit storm puts on rain coat and ducks>
Bad girl.


Well-Known Member
OK Bernie fans it's time to band together and bring down trump. If you thought Hillary was bad, trump would be your worst nightmare. The Democrats need your help in stopping trump. Do the right thing & defeat Trump...


Well-Known Member
OK Bernie fans it's time to band together and bring down trump. If you thought Hillary was bad, trump would be your worst nightmare. The Democrats need your help in stopping trump. Do the right thing & defeat Trump...

You scared JJ ? What exactly is Trump gonna do to become a worst nightmare ?

What has he done so far ? Everyone says , he`s gonna do something,....What ? and, How did you find out first ?


Well-Known Member
LOL. I'm sorry but you have to laugh at that. Did you tell them you have the highest hit thread right now? Bernie people...LOL
not so fast my fine flower smoking friends..Bernie emailed me today to let me know that Clinton is at her hi watermark with the next states up to vote heavily in his favor..

stay tuned..we shall see.

it's still not over or he would concede.


Well-Known Member
Switzerland is a good little socialist country. In Switzerland all able body males must own and know how to use an assault weapon. Every house has a gun in it. They've never even heard of crime, and they don't get in many wars.

But let's use England's laws instead where violent gun crime has soared since the ban!
Do they have ammunition though?


Well-Known Member
When Trump builds the wall, it needs to be tall AND deep. With motion sensors. We can't have Chicanos smuggling shit through tunnels...
you mean on their way BACK to mexico?

a chicano is someone of mexican heritage but born in the US.



Well-Known Member
In November When it comes time to hand the keys to either trump or Hillary. most Bernie supporters are sound minded & will know the right thing to do & not hand the keys to trump.:roll:
you seem to be very concerned about that 'sound minded, right thing to do' and mention it often..don't fucking count on it..Sanders is the anti Hillary, anti establishment..the right thing was\is Bernie..maybe a little Trump will make people think twice next time.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Still licking my wounds. It all depends on what Hill Pill does over the next month or so. If there is any back tracking on the ACA, I'm voting Green Party. But that's the only for sure trigger point for me at this time.
if you're gonna vote Green Party you might as well write in Sanders.

stick to your convictions.