EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Wow. Looks like Bernie will be picking up some states this week. Idaho, Utah, Alaska, and Washington.
This confirms my intuitions. Mormons are Socialist, including Mitt Romney(D) Orrin Hatch, and Harry Reid.
All garbage.
I've lost my faith in Mormons. The Romney family should have stayed in Mexico where they belong.Nobody ever asked them to come back. We certainly never asked for RomneyCare, or his retarded ACA cousin ObamaCare.
I've lost my faith in Mormons. The Romney family should have stayed in Mexico where they belong.Nobody ever asked them to come back. We certainly never asked for RomneyCare, or his retarded ACA cousin ObamaCare.

the vast majority of americans want to keep obamacare as it is or expand on it.

if obamacare were a presidential candidate, it would be a massive 50 state landslide and win every last electoral vote.

oh, and you are fat as shit.
the vast majority of americans want to keep obamacare as it is or expand on it.

if obamacare were a presidential candidate, it would be a massive 50 state landslide and win every last electoral vote.

oh, and you are fat as shit.

...which is exactly why it's never allowed to come to such a vote.
The majority of Americans support universal healthcare
IMO the ACA is not universal health care by any means. They force you to buy insurance from a Privately owned company, or pay a fine at tax time even if you didn't see a doctor or a E.R. all year. Too me it would mean Medicaid/medcare for every american citizen supplied by the government and payed for by the tax payers
IMO the ACA is not universal health care by any means. They force you to buy insurance from a Privately owned company, or pay a fine at tax time even if you didn't see a doctor or a E.R. all year. Too me it would mean Medicaid/medcare for every american citizen supplied by the government and payed for by the tax payers

The plan has failed with all the usual Obama spin of "you can keep your doctor" and "your costs will go down under ACA".

Again, liberals let themselves be conned by yet another "government solution".

The plan has failed with all the usual Obama spin of "you can keep your doctor" and "your costs will go down under ACA".

Again, liberals let themselves be conned by yet another "government solution".

you can if you choose a policy in which your doctor is a provider..so not exactly a lie.

your costs did go down for one year with all the new health company startups until they went bankrupt the following year at which time the existing companies absorbed new members and raised premiums..there's a lot of sick old people out there from eating McD all their lives.
How about that Brussels massacre? Chickens have come home to roost.

Damn right I don't want any of the Muslims in here.