@schuylaar I went to a local Bernie Sanders meet up last night- and girl, there are a lot of people who are beyond frustrated with the way things have gone in our country!
One guy is a meteorologist, and discussed the upcoming attractions of climate change unless something fairly dramatic is done soon. I mentioned the Koch brothers.
There were a lot of people who were frustrated about not being able to make ends meet, IN SPITE OF COLLEGE DEGREES AND GOOD JOBS?!
Citizens United kept coming up as a threat to American democracy.
These were people with careers and families, not professional activists. Many were there out of a general sense that things have gone off the rails and they just can't remain on the sidelines anymore.
The room had that same electric feeling that I got when attending the Internet Chamber of Commerce gatherings in the late nineties, and again at Kush Con II in 2007; this is the future, and these are some of the people who will be shaping it.
I'm proud to be among them.
at some point you catch the scent of the bloated, rotting corpse of corporate greed..once you experience the sweet oxygen of 'people before profit' mind-set, you'll never look back..it's intoxicating.
awesome!! POST OF THE DAY, tty!

we can rebuild this..we have the technology..

`i'd take the bullet for bernie in a heartbeat..leave this world a better place.