EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

@schuylaar I went to a local Bernie Sanders meet up last night- and girl, there are a lot of people who are beyond frustrated with the way things have gone in our country!

One guy is a meteorologist, and discussed the upcoming attractions of climate change unless something fairly dramatic is done soon. I mentioned the Koch brothers.

There were a lot of people who were frustrated about not being able to make ends meet, IN SPITE OF COLLEGE DEGREES AND GOOD JOBS?!

Citizens United kept coming up as a threat to American democracy.

These were people with careers and families, not professional activists. Many were there out of a general sense that things have gone off the rails and they just can't remain on the sidelines anymore.

The room had that same electric feeling that I got when attending the Internet Chamber of Commerce gatherings in the late nineties, and again at Kush Con II in 2007; this is the future, and these are some of the people who will be shaping it.

I'm proud to be among them.

at some point you catch the scent of the bloated, rotting corpse of corporate greed..once you experience the sweet oxygen of 'people before profit' mind-set, you'll never look back..it's intoxicating.

awesome!! POST OF THE DAY, tty!:hug::clap: thank you my friend for attending and reporting back to us, confirming that those involved in bernie's campaign are people just like you and me..tired of 'has always been thus' (are we the only ones who feel this way? fuck NO!!!) and refuse the notion of leaving our children and grandchildren this world. we did not make this mess, however we are the first generation ('X'..for fucking unknown and capable of anything:fire:) responsible enough to end the cronyism/oligarchy once and for all!

we can rebuild this..we have the technology..:wink:

me thinks with inflation it would be 6 billion dollars..


`i'd take the bullet for bernie in a heartbeat..leave this world a better place.
time to take back the country..BUT, they will tell us we can't..don't believe them..believe in you..they are mad because we can see and touch this..and their god is..well..:lol:

It had to get bad, so average Americans who aren't politically motivated can see what it is they stand to lose. That's why these normal, average people are coming out of the woodwork in support of Bernie.
It had to get bad, so average Americans who aren't politically motivated can see what it is they stand to lose. That's why these normal, average people are coming out of the woodwork in support of Bernie.

precisely. we're not stupid, yet this is what they bank upon..what do you expect from the 'national enquirer' faction of the country?

time to take back the country..BUT, they will tell us we can't..don't believe them..believe in you..they are mad because we can see and touch this..and their god is..well..:lol:

"Take back the Country" Is Bernie gonna go with that since , "Let`s make America great again" is doing very well for Trump ?

No better turn-off, than a copy cat........
Oh, I know, let`s hear Trump`s plan so we can roll with similar too...See, that would be normal and Trump acting out the lie of the media (hair piece lie) and giving up his secretes throws all those programed, expecting, hey that`s not the norm, media idiots for a loop. They don`t know how to handle it. The shock when Trump raised his hand was it though,....

Nothing normal if you want to be different,....maybe Bernie should take a lesson or two after he ditches his special Interests baggage. Try`n to do it the ole fashioned or normal way don`t cut it this time around........
precisely. we're not stupid, yet this is what they bank upon..what do you expect from the 'national enquirer' faction of the country?

I bet if Sanders even makes it to the general he gets less than 3%

That's an upswing tho, I predicted 0.7% before.
This seems like a great deal of wasted energy for an "also ran" like Sanders. It's awesome that you can get so excited over a guy that your party hierarchy and the MSM would never allow near the nomination. Your hopes will be dashed and you will have a brief moment to experience what Conservatives go through every election. You will be sad, you will cry. The good news is, when you mix liberal tears with Hoffa squeezin's, you get a potion that can cure the foulest body odor imaginable...even Occupy Wallstreet level body odor. Unfortunately, we're running desperately low on Hoffa squeezin's.
This seems like a great deal of wasted energy for an "also ran" like Sanders. It's awesome that you can get so excited over a guy that your party hierarchy and the MSM would never allow near the nomination. Your hopes will be dashed and you will have a brief moment to experience what Conservatives go through every election. You will be sad, you will cry. The good news is, when you mix liberal tears with Hoffa squeezin's, you get a potion that can cure the foulest body odor imaginable...even Occupy Wallstreet level body odor. Unfortunately, we're running desperately low on Hoffa squeezin's.
Sanders is a success. He gives voice and power to issues that need to be addressed
What's your party talking about lately?
Oh, I know, let`s hear Trump`s plan so we can roll with similar too...See, that would be normal and Trump acting out the lie of the media (hair piece lie) and giving up his secretes throws all those programed, expecting, hey that`s not the norm, media idiots for a loop. They don`t know how to handle it. The shock when Trump raised his hand was it though,....

Nothing normal if you want to be different,....maybe Bernie should take a lesson or two after he ditches his special Interests baggage. Try`n to do it the ole fashioned or normal way don`t cut it this time around........

So let's hear about Bernie's 'special interest baggage'. Campaign contributions from unions, you mean? You think that should be outlawed, but corporate contributions shouldn't be?
Sanders is a success. He gives voice and power to issues that need to be addressed
What's your party talking about lately?

Why, denying settled science (the earth is flat!), denying human rights (health care and abortions are sins!) and corporate welfare for fortune 50 behemoths, because too big to fail is a successful business model!
The homeless man who works in the Senate
By: Catherine Rampell
The Washington Post
Thursday, April 23, 2015

In the basement of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, 63-year-old Charles Gladden works alongside some of the nation’s most powerful people. For eight years, he has greeted senators, staffers and lobbyists in the hallways and the cafeteria, at exclusive banquets and special functions. He reflects fondly on some of the warmer colleagues who he says got the boot too soon.

But unbeknown to any of these bigwigs, or even to his employer, Gladden is homeless. He works in the Senate cafeteria, and he has not had a fixed address for the past five years.

The reasons are complicated. He said he has made decisions he regrets — not least leaving George Washington University, where he’d been studying fine arts on a scholarship. (Truancy and trouble with the law landed him in a juvenile institution as a teenager; he got the scholarship after winning second place in an art show.) After dropping out, he spent years in low-paying jobs: painting houses, laying bricks, delivering food.

Today he gives much of his meager paycheck to his three daughters and their grandchildren, who have also struggled to find steady housing and employment. He says that he needs the money less than they do, that he knows how to brave “the elements” and make good use of food pantries and free health clinics. He has, after all, been homeless intermittently over two decades. He has always managed.

“I want to provide for them,” he says of his family, “not burden them.”

Gladden also, of course, does not make very much money.

For a week’s work at the Senate cafeteria — sweeping floors, mopping bathrooms, cleaning dishes, composting leftovers, transporting laundry — he says his take-home pay is about $360. And while he takes enormous pride in serving the country’s public servants, he is not sure these public servants are returning the favor.

“Our lawmakers, they don’t even realize what’s going on right beneath their feet,” he says. “They don’t have a clue.”
