EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Can't believe Sanders hasn't bailed. Staying in is good for him I guess. The notoriety gained with his propaganda agenda will finally get him an income other than writing child porn - Nike running shoes endorsements designed for Olympic running, hair piece endorsements, teeth whitening product endorsements, Nautilus weight lifting equipment endorsements.....


Well-Known Member
Can't believe Sanders hasn't bailed. Staying in is good for him I guess. The notoriety gained with his propaganda agenda will finally get him an income other than writing child porn - Nike running shoes endorsements designed for Olympic running, hair piece endorsements, teeth whitening product endorsements, Nautilus weight lifting equipment endorsements.....
Sanders isn't a quitter and his campaign is closing on the front runner.

Why don't you have anything to say about the right wing clown show?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Sanders isn't a quitter and his campaign is closing on the front runner.

Why don't you have anything to say about the right wing clown show?
You really believe Sanders still has a chance? How much did you contribute to that idiot?

It's over......

Only hope he has is for the FBI to slam her, which aint gonna happen before the election. This democrat thing was rigged from the beginning and you suckers know it.


Well-Known Member
Only way a Repuke wins is if the Bernie Crew act like teenagers and don't vote Dem or not vote at all in Nov.
The picking of the SCOTUS is too damn important.
Cry me a fucking river.

And you are naive to assume that all Sanders supporters are dems..because we're not.

Last I looked I still get to vote as I wish without being harassed.

Can you please find another thread?


Well-Known Member
Can't believe Sanders hasn't bailed. Staying in is good for him I guess. The notoriety gained with his propaganda agenda will finally get him an income other than writing child porn - Nike running shoes endorsements designed for Olympic running, hair piece endorsements, teeth whitening product endorsements, Nautilus weight lifting equipment endorsements.....
we will begin a new day..a new party if Sanders is not elected..the fight will continue.

what we are fighting for NEEDS to happen..it's not optional.


Well-Known Member
You and @ttystikk won't vote for our democratic nominee? Is that what i've been reading?
Its going to be hillary.

So explain to me how voting for Shillary is any different than voting for a 'moderate' republican? It's as if I get a choice between four jellybeans; three are red and one is blue, but they all taste like licorice. I hate licorice, so why would I want any of them?

I'm voting for change, and that's Bernie. AND NO ONE ELSE CURRENTLY IN THE RACE.

Don't be fooled by party bullshit; she's a DINO, Democrat In Name Only, and as such she needs to be told that her brand of politics is extinct.

The only way to do that is at the polls.


Well-Known Member
probably less than you* contributed to ben carson.

*technically, it was my redistributed money you donated since you are living off the socialist security reistribution checks you and your wife both get from me.
So explain to me how voting for Shillary is any different than voting for a 'moderate' republican? It's a if I get a choice between four jellybeans; three are red and one is blue, but they all taste like licorice. I hate licorice, so why would I want any of them?

I'm voting for change, and that's Bernie. AND NO ONE ELSE CURRENTLY IN THE RACE.

Don't be fooled by party bullshit; she's a DINO, Democrat In Name Only, and as such she needs to be told that her brand of politics is extinct.

The only way to do that is at the polls.
is there even a "moderate" candidate on the gop side?
I'm so confused by people who are hating on hillary