EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Case would come from state or local
Trump has already put up a list of candidates who are intellectual sympathizers with Jerry Falwell
There have been many different opportunities to challenge Roe v. Wade during Republican control, they still haven't. It won't be any different next time
No. You are sexist and a bigot.


You are whats wrong with the democratic party.

Would be what I WOULD say if i was a moron.

Sanders is on a whole different level.

Clinton should be in jail. She is the corruption that makes our country crumble from the inside.
LOL, so now we bring out the Republican personality.
Got to love the desperation
is all it takes with the right court to overturn Roe v Wade
I'm not concerned what courts say and I'm not saying that sarcastically, I just believe life begins a the moment of conception and that life deserves to be treated the same as one would treat any defenseless life
I'm not concerned what courts say and I'm not saying that sarcastically, I just believe life begins a the moment of conception and that life deserves to be treated the same as one would treat any defenseless life
yup and would like to see Roe vs Wade overturned ?
Overturn roe v wade?
First of all I am not a tard. No reason to be insultive just because someone has a different opinion on something. What an individual does with their body is their own business. I myself don't believe in abortion but I'm not going to brand you a baby killer just because you may support abortion.
is all it takes with the right court to overturn Roe v Wade
I don't buy that and there's no evidence to believe it

The problem with a conservative majority Supreme Court would be with things like marijuana legalization and gun regulation. Abortion and LGBT rights hold wide support from the population. Both Clinton or Trump's court would align pretty closely on corporate issues and campaign finance reform.
I don't buy that and there's no evidence to believe it

The problem with a conservative majority Supreme Court would be with things like marijuana legalization and gun regulation. Abortion and LGBT rights hold wide support from the population. Both Clinton or Trump's court would align pretty closely on corporate issues and campaign finance reform.
I don't think marijuana legalization would a huge hurdle in a conservative supreme court. I think legalization has more bipartisan support than it ever has.
Clinton Sucks
But she is better than anything the Republicans have put up in Years

...which is why the Koch smokers endorse her.

This does NOT make her an acceptable 'progressive' candidate!

I'm a liberal. There's only one candidate who speaks to my concerns, and there are a lot of people like me. The democratic party will ignore us and put its very existence at risk.
...which is why the Koch smokers endorse her.

This does NOT make her an acceptable 'progressive' candidate!

I'm a liberal. There's only one candidate who speaks to my concerns, and there are a lot of people like me. The democratic party will ignore us and put its very existence at risk.
lol. you're funny