EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

you can also vote for Kermit the Frog. The question is why ?

Because Kermit would be a better candidate than any of the three front runners.
Why did Sanders try to get a representative from one of his Super Pacs on the DNC platform drafting committee?
I thought he couldn't be bought?
National Nurses
They gave him 1.2 million And another 800k to others who support Sanders.
He tried to get a national nurses union rep on the dnc drafting committee. She got vetoed
The Sanders campaign is not affiliated with National Nurses, individual nurses gave contributions of less than $200 to the union. Did you forget where Clinton's money comes from?

The national nurses union rep supports Sanders platform (universal healthcare), so that would make sense when drafting the DNC platform. Your repeated attempts to paint Sanders as corrupt have failed every single time. You can support Clinton all you want, but why all this extra made up shit about Sanders? Why don't you ever bother trying to argue against his policy positions?
The Sanders campaign is not affiliated with National Nurses, individual nurses gave contributions of less than $200 to the union. Did you forget where Clinton's money comes from?

The national nurses union rep supports Sanders platform (universal healthcare), so that would make sense when drafting the DNC platform. Your repeated attempts to paint Sanders as corrupt have failed every single time. You can support Clinton all you want, but why all this extra made up shit about Sanders? Why don't you ever bother trying to argue against his policy positions?
I'm not painting him as corrupt.
I'm painting him as a career politician that accepts any money he can get
The Sanders campaign is not affiliated with National Nurses, individual nurses gave contributions of less than $200 to the union. Did you forget where Clinton's money comes from?

The national nurses union rep supports Sanders platform (universal healthcare), so that would make sense when drafting the DNC platform. Your repeated attempts to paint Sanders as corrupt have failed every single time. You can support Clinton all you want, but why all this extra made up shit about Sanders? Why don't you ever bother trying to argue against his policy positions?

The reason is quite simply that there isn't anything about him that's corrupt.

No wonder the establishment is terrified.
I'm not painting him as corrupt.
I'm painting him as a career politician that accepts any money he can get
He's running a presidential campaign, of course he's going to accept small contributions. Do you know what the average size of contribution to his campaign is or where his money comes from?

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Compared to Clinton;

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Do you expect him to not accept any money while he runs his campaign? You've been implying he's somehow hypocritical because he's such a strong supporter of campaign finance reform while collecting donations to run his campaign. Sanders himself has said many times this is how the system works and that's a huge problem, probably the biggest problem in government we face right now because it touches every single other issue. He's been crystal clear about whoever he would nominate to the Supreme Court must support overturning Citizens United - that alone should be a pretty clear indication to you what he plans to do about it if he becomes president.

Nobody is as strong a supporter of campaign finance reform than Sanders, that's the main reason I support him and the main reason I don't support, and won't vote for Clinton
He's running a presidential campaign, of course he's going to accept small contributions. Do you know what the average size of contribution to his campaign is or where his money comes from?

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Compared to Clinton;

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Do you expect him to not accept any money while he runs his campaign? You've been implying he's somehow hypocritical because he's such a strong supporter of campaign finance reform while collecting donations to run his campaign. Sanders himself has said many times this is how the system works and that's a huge problem, probably the biggest problem in government we face right now because it touches every single other issue. He's been crystal clear about whoever he would nominate to the Supreme Court must support overturning Citizens United - that alone should be a pretty clear indication to you what he plans to do about it if he becomes president.

Nobody is as strong a supporter of campaign finance reform than Sanders, that's the main reason I support him and the main reason I don't support, and won't vote for Clinton
Guys like Spandy appreciate your vote for Trump
Not terrified of Sanders. Just weary of his supporters

You are in a Bernie for pres. thread talking shit and your here doing this because tired of them? That's like a KKK member hanging in the hood because he doesn't like to be around blacks. Did someone twist your arm and force you to be here? I think your stupid as a post. Go somewhere else and rest your sorry dumb ass and you won't be so weary. To bad it will not help stop you from being so stupid.
You are in a Bernie for pres. thread talking shit and your here doing this because tired of them? That's like a KKK member hanging in the hood because he doesn't like to be around blacks. Did someone twist your arm and force you to be here? I think your stupid as a post. Go somewhere else and rest your sorry dumb ass and you won't be so weary. To bad it will not help stop you from being so stupid.
Just like how Barbara Boxer was "scared" of Sanders supporters at the Nevada convention;
