EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Her campaign colluded with members of the media

So, basically what every dem for the last 40-50+ years has done against pubs? Every fucking person and organization with your liberal mindset is crooked as fuck...every single one of you. Your tears of hypocrisy go down like a fine wine.
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actually it does not unless she directly or indirectly told them to. Are you responsible for everything your employers do ...assuming you are a business owner
Regardless of your opinion, members of her campaign cheated to benefit Clinton. So if your employees are dealing drugs out of your laundromat and giving it to you, yes you will be held responsible whether you "directly or indirectly" told them to do it or not
actually it does not unless she directly or indirectly told them to. Are you responsible for everything your employers do ...assuming you are a business owner

Slightly off topic.

Uh, when you set up an unsecure server, what subsequently gets sent on it by your minions is most definitely your responsibility. No unsecure server, no way for it to happen as it did.

She should be in chains, I love that she's going to be President. She perfectly represents the libs in this country, a deceitful, corrupt, negligent, selfish, bought and paid for scumbag, who had to cheat to beat an old commie in the primaries. Priceless.
Maybe not, but I sure as hell know how to tell the truth, something the Clinton's as a whole know nothing about.
So, Hillary's statements aren't 100% truth, more like 65% or something like that according to fact check. I don't think you'd like the grade a fact checker would put on you. Remember when you got on my case for saying that Hillary had too large a lead back in early May? All I was saying at the time was Sanders needed to pull nearly perfect numbers. I mean it was like I'd just shot your favorite puppy or something.

What I'm saying is, I like you and am glad for your enthusiasm but facts elude you.
Members of the DNC colluded with members of the media to influence a Clinton victory, whether Clinton approved of it or not is irrelevant. If me, you and Buck are playing monopoly and I, as the banker, give Buck twice as much money to start, whether he knows it or not, the game was rigged and his win would not be legitimate
He's really sensitive about being perceived as a fool.
I once read a short essay by a Sci Fi writer who explained that it is impossible for an author of a novel or story to credibly write from the perspective of a member of an alien species that is many times more intelligent than the author.
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Members of the DNC colluded with members of the media to influence a Clinton victory, whether Clinton approved of it or not is irrelevant. If me, you and Buck are playing monopoly and I, as the banker, give Buck twice as much money to start, whether he knows it or not, the game was rigged and his win would not be legitimate
Jeez, you are getting all truthy on us now Paddy. I thought truthy stuff was the realm of the right wing. What you just presented in your first sentence was your opinion as fact. Stop it. Or you'll start sounding like Gingrich.

The other bit, well yes it's true that Hillary started out with an advantage. Hillary had a 25 year lead on Sanders. Sanders didn't do the right things early enough. This is Hillary's fault?
Regardless of your opinion, members of her campaign cheated to benefit Clinton. So if your employees are dealing drugs out of your laundromat and giving it to you, yes you will be held responsible whether you "directly or indirectly" told them to do it or not
If my employee was dealing drugs out of my laundromats, I would have nothing to do with it. I have had a situation close to this. The idiot was busted and I let him go ASAP. You know why I did not get in trouble, because I had nothing to do with it and he was just using anywhere to sell his extacy pills. So try again.
What did HILLARY do to cheat ?
Jeez, you are getting all truthy on us now Paddy. I thought truthy stuff was the realm of the right wing. What you just presented in your first sentence was your opinion as fact. Stop it. Or you'll start sounding like Gingrich.

The other bit, well yes it's true that Hillary started out with an advantage. Hillary had a 25 year lead on Sanders. Sanders didn't do the right things early enough. This is Hillary's fault?
The evidence has already been posted in the DNC Email Leak thread

The writer from Politico sending his article to members of the DNC for approval before publication, DWS demanding an apology from Mika Brzezinski through a direct line to the president of MSNBC, members of the DNC deciding which reporter to give the news to in order to "control the narrative", members of the DNC complaining others are complaining the primary is rigged and conspiring to complain to their producers to get it stopped, giving Jake Tapper direct questions to ask during debates, and even one from the DNC Deputy National Press Secretary, Christina Freundlich, requesting to pull a commentary segment from MSNBC that discusses the relationship between the DNC and the Clinton campaign, heavily implying they knew exactly what they were doing the entire time, and many more

Clinton started out with an advantage and the DNC cheated. The sad thing is she most likely would have won just with the advantage without the DNCs help, they didn't need to cheat
Jeez, you are getting all truthy on us now Paddy. I thought truthy stuff was the realm of the right wing. What you just presented in your first sentence was your opinion as fact. Stop it. Or you'll start sounding like Gingrich.

The other bit, well yes it's true that Hillary started out with an advantage. Hillary had a 25 year lead on Sanders. Sanders didn't do the right things early enough. This is Hillary's fault?

The facts on the ground are inescapable; the DNC and the Clinton campaign colluded in ways large and small to ensure the proper candidate advanced. There just isn't any doubt there.

Trying to create doubt and controversy out of clearly settled arguments is a right wing tactic.
I'll answer for her, of course not.


Nixon's rolling in his grave right now..
Slightly off topic.

Uh, when you set up an unsecure server, what subsequently gets sent on it by your minions is most definitely your responsibility. No unsecure server, no way for it to happen as it did.

She should be in chains, I love that she's going to be President. She perfectly represents the libs in this country, a deceitful, corrupt, negligent, selfish, bought and paid for scumbag, who had to cheat to beat an old commie in the primaries. Priceless.
the FBI says NO.