EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Who is Harrekin and what's your obsession with my IP address?

I told you already that I route my traffic through European proxies because of their robust data protection legislation and because I live in an illegal state.

Cool that the admins seem to actively watch IP addresses on a pot website tho ;)
Who is Harrekin and what's your obsession with my IP address?

I told you already that I route my traffic through European proxies because of their robust data protection legislation and because I live in an illegal state.

Cool that the admins seem to actively watch IP addresses on a pot website tho ;)

If it was my website, I would too.
Your bitterness is palpable, don't forget to vote Democrat.

Since there was cheating and basic fuckery by the anointed one..one can ask oneself how anointed was she?

She acts as if she is our choice instead of the most heinous, reviled leftover known to man.

With Clinton, its past holding your nose and pulling the lever.

Also, Bill doesn't look well..I correctly predicted Scalia's death. Last time I heard dissention from that fucker, you could hear the congestive heart failure (which btw he WAS being treated for).

And what's her problem with the coughing fits and seizures?

And folks, THAT is the BEST America has to offer?
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Since there was cheating and basic fuckery by the anointed one..one can ask oneself how anointed was she?

She acts as if she is our choice instead of the most heinous, reviled leftover known to man.

With Clinton, its past holding your nose and pulling the lever.

Also, Bill doesn't look well..I correctly predicted Scalia's death. Last time I heard dissention from that fucker, you could hear the congestive heart failure (which btw he WAS being treated for).

And what's her problem with the coughing fits and seizures?
Sky could you please tell me exactly how Hillary cheated ? I would put more fault on people like yourself who did not even vote.
Could you also please share on how you can hear Bill's CHF
Sky could you please tell me exactly how Hillary cheated ? I would put more fault on people like yourself who did not even vote.
Could you also please share on how you can hear Bill's CHF

No, my diagnoses for Bill is Parkinson's with Dementia.

He's lost quite a bit of weight recently and looks gaunt.
Sky could you please tell me exactly how Hillary cheated ? I would put more fault on people like yourself who did not even vote.
Could you also please share on how you can hear Bill's CHF

Belzubub had her flying 80s gelled hair monkey do her bidding..
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