EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
let me explain something to you. When you have two people on the ballot in the general and you write in someone who has no chance of winning... that move is stupid as fuck, so don't complain when you get the likes of Trump and certainly don't blame the people who actually voted for her. A Bernie write in is just like a Hannibal write in. DUMB AS FUCK.
Let me explain something to you..I'm glad people did what they did.

We sent a message and you have no one to blame but YOU!

Next time, I'd advise for YOUR party to NOT choose for us..


Well-Known Member
I'm exempt, you've heard of that right? I have a salary with commission and bonus. They lease a car for me and on my 401k, not only do I get 100% match on my first 3%, I get 50% on the next 2%.

Since you're interested, I just achieved the highest level of sales excellence- PLATINUM after only 5 months of employment..many don't make this level in their whole career.

Now go fix that washer that's out of balance..
Sure you do :roll: What ever happen to you going to school? Seems like you gave that up...oh I guess you had to in order to become this highly successful paid rep. Funny shit you are.
I actually have a maintenance guy who is a wiz at fixing large appliances, so again I don't have to work. I count quarters and stack retirement checks.


Well-Known Member
Let me explain something to you..I'm glad people did what they did.

We sent a message and you have no one to blame but YOU!

Next time, I'd advise for YOUR party to NOT choose for us..
I keep telling people like yourself. You will be hurt more by this than I. I made decisions early in life that has me in a great position. You still trying to figure out ho to finish school and how you are going to pay your bills. You know this to be true. So enjoy being glad that idiots allowed Trump to win.


Well-Known Member
I keep telling people like yourself. You will be hurt more by this than I. I made decisions early in life that has me in a great position. You still trying to figure out ho to finish school and how you are going to pay your bills. You know this to be true. So enjoy being glad that idiots allowed Trump to win.
I'm happy that the message was sent AND received.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sure you do :roll: What ever happen to you going to school? Seems like you gave that up...oh I guess you had to in order to become this highly successful paid rep. Funny shit you are.
I actually have a maintenance guy who is a wiz at fixing large appliances, so again I don't have to work. I count quarters and stack retirement checks.
I don't have anything to prove, least of all, you.


Well-Known Member
London you big pussy, quit crying..no wall is being built, roe v wade isn't getting overturned, stop ~frisk isn't getting challenged...toughen up, your bitch lost, life will go on.
You are a low information voter. Your ignorance should be a disqualification to vote


Well-Known Member
never said prove it. I just said I don't believe you. I'm forbidden to tell the site about you and your many faces, but this the internet be whatever and whoever you want.
Someone needs to sell us some air fresheners, you just dropped a stinker on her.

Let me explain something to you..I'm glad people did what they did.

We sent a message and you have no one to blame but YOU!

Next time, I'd advise for YOUR party to NOT choose for us..
You didn't even vote for Sanders, the only person you voted for this cycle was Hillary Clinton, like the majority of Americans.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
This disturbs me..he's clearly delusional; it's not an act..then damage control..I hope his whole term is not like this it's very unsettling for me as an American:wall: what president of the past was mentally ill? Anyone?

Successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!

~President-Elect Donald J. Trump one day after winning election

Then the day after:

Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!

6:14 AM - 11 Nov 2016
Mentally ill Presidents ?

All of them...well, sort of. They all suffer(ed) from the illusion that some people could give them power over other people, when the people giving them the power never had it in the first place.

False dichotomies...everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy that the message was sent AND received.:mrgreen:
"Ooooo we Bernie Babies are so mad that Bernie is not going to be POTUS lets enable Trump to become POTUS. That will send a message. We shall cut off our nose to spite our face. That will show them"

Bernie would be proud of you guys..lol


Well-Known Member
It's pretty ironic you calling anyone else a low information voter, you're sitting here blaming people for not voting for someone instead of the candidate responsible for garnering the votes. She abandoned her base, wtf did you expect was going to happen?

As it turns out, people don't like establishment politics, exactly what the candidate you voted for represents probably better than any other American politician

Is crow tasty?


Well-Known Member
It's pretty ironic you calling anyone else a low information voter, you're sitting here blaming people for not voting for someone instead of the candidate responsible for garnering the votes. She abandoned her base, wtf did you expect was going to happen?

As it turns out, people don't like establishment politics, exactly what the candidate you voted for represents probably better than any other American politician

Is crow tasty?
I take responsibility for my vote. You do the same.
I had a choice of Trump or Hillary. I thought about the SCOTUS pick, I thought about the increase to minimum wage, I thought about heath care, I thought about college loans and after all my thinking I realize that I have to vote Hillary, any other vote would have been Trump. Now you "Sir" did the same thinking as well as others and you decide to vote for who ???
You Bernie Babies want to come in and say " We told you so". GTFO
Keep in mind I voted for the same person Bernie voted for. Go tell Bernie what you did.