EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I never said that though.
Hillary is my #1 pick
You said it is stupid for me to not vote for her. I told you it would be stupid for me to vote for her since she doesn't represent my interests. You are stupid if you think I should vote for someone who doesn't represent me just so someone else who doesn't represent me a little bit more doesn't get into office
You said it is stupid for me to not vote for her. I told you it would be stupid for me to vote for her since she doesn't represent my interests. You are stupid if you think I should vote for someone who doesn't represent me just so someone else who doesn't represent me a little bit more doesn't get into office
Prime example of letting Best be the enemy of Better. If one person wants to cut off your pinky and one person wants to cut off your whole hand, you don't have to like either option to know that its smart to go with the one who will only take the pinky. You are pretty dumb if you can't see that.
Prime example of letting Best be the enemy of Better. If one person wants to cut off your pinky and one person wants to cut off your whole hand, you don't have to like either option to know that its smart to go with the one who will only take the pinky. You are pretty dumb if you can't see that.

Huh? ... I'll take option 3 and keep my hand and fingers...awful analogy.
Huh? ... I'll take option 3 and keep my hand and fingers...awful analogy.
Then you vote option 3, who has no real chance of winning, and now the dude taking your whole hand wins because you were shortsighted asshole. Just like what will happen in November if you throw away your vote just to make a point.
Arguably, you're the dumb one for believing those would be your only options or assume that other options wouldn't work
You could argue that, but you'd be wrong. If you think there is a 3rd option with a viable chance, you are utterly delusional. If you really think Bernie still has a shot, you should put every dime you own onto a bet for him in Vegas since it will pay out at +3300 (http://www.oddsshark.com/entertainment/us-presidential-odds-2016-futures). Go to the horse track and bet of the horses that have +3300 odds. See how many times you walk home with money in your pocket. All you can do now is make things worse for yourself by throwing a hissy fit and handing the win to your worst enemy rather than settle for someone who agrees with you 97% of the time.