Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals


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Chicago Sun Times

Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals

October 20, 2009
Have you heard the news? President Obama inherited an economic mess from the Bush administration.
You say that's hardly news? But it's been the message sounded over and over by the White House. Top Obama adviser David Axelrod said on one of the Sunday news shows, "He walked in the door, we had the worst economy since the Great Depression." In San Francisco, Obama talked of being "busy with our mop." White House heavy hitter Rahm Emanuel used the worst-economy-since-the-Depression line on a public TV news show.

You'd think it's October 2008, the final month in the Obama presidential candidacy, rather than October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. Yet the Obama White House is in full campaign mode -- maybe because it needs to mask the shortcomings of the Obama presidency.

Take, for example, all the talk of inheriting the worst economy since the 1930s crisis. That came in response to the news that the federal deficit hit $1.4 trillion.

Yet just a few months ago, the Obama camp was singing a little different tune. It was under criticism for the $787 billion stimulus package it bulldozed through Congress on grounds that massive spending was needed to keep the unemployment rate from breaching 8 percent. When joblessness hit 9.5 percent in June, Vice President Joe Biden said, "We misread how bad the economy was."

They inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, or the economy turned out to be worse than they thought. Which is it? It can't be both -- unless your brain is completely addled by the Obama charisma.

Obama is still popular, but polls show the public losing faith in his policies. Another indicator was a ''Saturday Night Live'' skit lampooning Obama for the major accomplishments of his administration -- "jack and squat." If the honeymoon is ending with the American voter, it isn't for obsequious elements of the mainstream media. CNN prostrated itself by fact-checking the ''SNL'' comedy skit.

But that's harmless compared to the virulent campaign against Obama critics carried out by the denizens of MSNBC. Its Obama acolytes seek to demonize opponents of Obama's policies by focusing on most marginal corners of right-wing politics like, for example, the "birthers" who deny Obama is a natural born citizen. The larger scheme is to imply Obama critics are racists.

That's the backdrop to the story of Rush Limbaugh getting booted from a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams. He was smeared on CNN and MSNBC with false accusations of making two racist comments. He is an abrasive critic of Obama, so he must be racist, or so goes the left-wing story line. I wouldn't defend everything Limbaugh has ever said, but lies were used to blacklist him from professional football for his political views.

Recently an MSNBC personality accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of lobbying for policies that amount to being "treasonous to this country." Remember how liberals roared in outrage at any hint of their patriotism being questioned for criticizing the Iraq War? Well, it's the left that doesn't shy from attacking the patriotism of those it dislikes. Recall the repulsive Moveon.org "General Betray-us" ad against Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus. Recent opposition to Chicago's Olympic bid was cast as a sign of a lack of patriotism among Obama critics.

The MSNBC blast against the chamber appears to dovetail with what the Politico newspaper reports is a White House and Democratic effort "to marginalize" the business organization. That echoes the administration assault on the Fox News Channel: It says Fox isn't a news organization.

The White House trying to dictate who's a news organization. Democrats out to gut a business group. Obama media allies damning Americans as racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. Is this the America Obama promised when he campaigned to end the cynical and divisive politics of the past?
As I recall, didn't John McCain repeatedly say during HIS campaign that "the foundation of the economy is strong"? As I recall, wasn't most of the nation oblivious to the fact that we were in a recession, until A YEAR AFTER the recession began? Seriously, if you're going to lambast Obama and his administration for "misreading" the economy, it's worth spreading some of that vitriol around to others who are just as deserving. You could start with, well, EVERYONE.
:lol: ... Funny video. Thanks for posting it.

Kinda looks like the honeymoon is over doesn't it?

And by the way, a president should never ... NEVER attack and threaten his critics in the press. Honestly, how much more of a rank amature can Obama be?
Just look at who the corporate government media complex is owned by, and it's easy to see why they're a bunch of lap dogs for the Obama crew.

GE owns NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, and the CEO of GE is on the obama financial recovery team.

NBC wants FOX discredited - for among other reasons - because they reported that GE continued to provide help to our enemy Iran.

CNN was started by Ted Turner.

Need I say more?
:lol: ... Funny video. Thanks for posting it.

Kinda looks like the honeymoon is over doesn't it?

And by the way, a president should never ... NEVER attack and threaten his critics in the press. Honestly, how much more of a rank amature can Obama be?

First, it's a freaking comedy skit. Leno makes fun of everyone, just like SNL does.

A president should never attack their critics?

Dude, you mean like this:


Google search of "Bush attacks critics" turns up ALL kinds of results....

It's okay when one POTUS does it, but when it's a POTUS you dislike, suddenly it's not okay?

Remember the PATRIOT Act, which basically gave Bush the authority to order the arrest and indefinite detention of ANYONE, even American citizens, who speak critically of his policies, as "terrorists"?

August 14, 2008
Last week, some of journalist Ron Suskind's allegations against the Bush White House, in his upcoming book, "The Way of the World," came out. Namely that the White House, in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, ordered the CIA to forge a hand-written note from the Iraqi government's intelligence tsar to Saddam Hussein so as to create the illusion of a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, thereby implicating Hussein in the World Trade Center bombings.
Suskind writes that "The White House had concocted a fake letter from Habbush to Saddam, backdated to July 1, 2001," thereby committing an impeachable offense through an illicit manipulation of domestic intelligence to -- in the words of the Patriot Act -- "influence the policy of a government by intimidation."
The author also contends that Habbash (Iraqi intelligence) told the White House there were no weapons of mass destruction well before the invasion of Iraq, and was paid millions in hush money.
Forget "gonzo journalism." White House press secretary Tony Fratto responded by calling Suskind's revelations "gutter journalism." Some "gutter" journalist Suskind is -- he won the Pulitzer Prize for a feature he wrote for The Wall Street Journal. Even more egregious than what the author, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, uncovered was the attempt by federal agents, in New York, to silence him. His research assistant was held by feds where he was given the third degree, and had his notes confiscated in violation of both his First Amendment rights, and the constitutional proscription against illegal search and seizure.
So it is then the case that some of Suskind's notes were, in effect, kidnapped, and held hostage by federal agents working in tandem with an administration whose primary goal has been to "intimidate and coerce a civilian population." Sound familiar?

Now then, with that said, yes, its beneath a president of the United States to personally attack his critics IN THE MEDIA. Why? Because its demeaning to the office. Of course, I don't expect a libbie to get the point. After all, blow jobs in the Oval Office are perfectly fine, right? bongsmilie

Now then, with that said, yes, its beneath a president of the United States to personally attack his critics IN THE MEDIA. Why? Because its demeaning to the office. Of course, I don't expect a libbie to get the point. After all, blow jobs in the Oval Office are perfectly fine, right? bongsmilie

Libbie? Are you talking about me, or someone named Libbie?

I'm a registered Democratic Socialist now. No liberals here, move along.
Libbie? Are you talking about me, or someone named Libbie?

I'm a registered Democratic Socialist now. No liberals here, move along.[/QUOTE]

Well EXCUSE ME! From now on, I'll call you by the proper name ... "Parasite" and/or "Tax Consumer." :blsmoke:
Libbie? Are you talking about me, or someone named Libbie?

I'm a registered Democratic Socialist now. No liberals here, move along.[/QUOTE]

Well EXCUSE ME! From now on, I'll call you by the proper name ... "Parasite" and/or "Tax Consumer." :blsmoke:

Proper according to whom? A hypocrite who doesn't know the first thing about my political party? A person who thinks it's perfectly OK for kids to buy cigarettes and alcohol? A person who thinks anyone who doesn't share their very limited viewpoint is "radical", despite the fact that that person is, themselves, radical?

From now on I'll call YOU by the proper name; ignorant.
so much anger in this thread.

Listen Obama is doing a crappy job. In addition, attacking the media for not agreeing with you IS below the office of the President.

I don't give a fuck WHICH President does it. It is wrong.
First, it's a freaking comedy skit. Leno makes fun of everyone, just like SNL does.

A president should never attack their critics?

Dude, you mean like this:


Google search of "Bush attacks critics" turns up ALL kinds of results....

It's okay when one POTUS does it, but when it's a POTUS you dislike, suddenly it's not okay?

I did a search for "Obama Attacks critics" on google and got 2 miilion more hits than your Bush one, which is pretty good considering Obama has only been in office 1/12 as long as Bush was. at this rate Obama attacks 20 times as much as Bush did.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...fficial&q=obama+attacks+critics&aq=f&oq=&aqi=

FWIW Im not a Bush fan either.
Here doob, maybe you can Blow this up into a Poster for your Bedroom wall.

Hey NoDrama, maybe you can kiss my ass?

Do you know if I support Obama or not? Nope, you just assume that because I disagree with YOU, that I support Obama.

Typical right-wing ignorance.
Hey GreenCross, maybe you can kiss my ass?

Do you know if I support Obama or not? Nope, you just assume that because I disagree with YOU, that I support Obama.

Typical right-wing ignorance.

Welcome to ignore.

Welcome to ignore? LMAO!!

Green Cross is one of the most articulate posters on the site ... and you refuse to learn from him? Yeppers, its just like a freakin' ass communist/socialist/marxist/democrat/progressive ... and what ever else you label yourself as .... Just line up the opposition against the wall, put the blindfolds in place and fire away! BLAM! There, now you don't have those embarrasing questions from that "hypocritical" "radical" to answer anymore! :roll:
Green Cross is one of the most articulate posters on the site ...

This coming from a person who thinks Sarah Palin is smart!

Vi, your opinion means Jack squat. The reason you think GreenCross is "articulate", is because you're a flipping idiot. Compared to you, Sarah Palin IS smart.

Whatever else I label MYSELF AS? I've already told you (repeatedly, in fact) what my position is. YOU are the one who continues to label me marxist/communist/fascist/progressive/liberal without taking into account that ALL THOSE LABELS ARE DIFFERENT.

I'm a student of political science. I KNOW the difference between these things. What do YOU do that makes you such an expert on political affiliation and ideology?
This coming from a person who thinks Sarah Palin is smart!

Vi, your opinion means Jack squat. The reason you think GreenCross is "articulate", is because you're a flipping idiot. Compared to you, Sarah Palin IS smart.

Whatever else I label MYSELF AS? I've already told you (repeatedly, in fact) what my position is. YOU are the one who continues to label me marxist/communist/fascist/progressive/liberal without taking into account that ALL THOSE LABELS ARE DIFFERENT.

I'm a student of political science. I KNOW the difference between these things. What do YOU do that makes you such an expert on political affiliation and ideology?[/QUOTE]

What do I do? I've been an avid reader of political thought for more years than you've been on the freaking planet.

You're a student of political science? OK, I'll give you that, but from which political camp are you beholden to? You tell me.

You say that you're a communist ... and I believe you.

In your studies, have you run across any figures pointing to the deaths/murders perpetrated by communist governments upon their own people over the past 100 years?

You may be a student of political science, but by the very fact that you associate yourself with communists speaks volumes about your failure to absorb any knowledge of history. Either that, or you're just plain whacky.

Which is it, Doob, ignorant of history, or just plain whacky? bongsmilie
This coming from a person who thinks Sarah Palin is smart!

Vi, your opinion means Jack squat. The reason you think GreenCross is "articulate", is because you're a flipping idiot. Compared to you, Sarah Palin IS smart.

Whatever else I label MYSELF AS? I've already told you (repeatedly, in fact) what my position is. YOU are the one who continues to label me marxist/communist/fascist/progressive/liberal without taking into account that ALL THOSE LABELS ARE DIFFERENT.

I'm a student of political science. I KNOW the difference between these things. What do YOU do that makes you such an expert on political affiliation and ideology?[/QUOTE]

What do I do? I've been an avid reader of political thought for more years than you've been on the freaking planet.

You're a student of political science? OK, I'll give you that, but from which political camp are you beholden to? You tell me.

You say that you're a communist ... and I believe you.

In your studies, have you run across any figures pointing to the deaths/murders perpetrated by communist governments upon their own people over the past 100 years?

You may be a student of political science, but by the very fact that you associate yourself with communists speaks volumes about your failure to absorb any knowledge of history. Either that, or you're just plain whacky.

Which is it, Doob, ignorant of history, or just plain whacky? bongsmilie

LOL, when did I EVER say I was a communist?

There you go again, with your communism=fascism=socialism lunacy.

Associate myself with communists? WHERE? WHEN? I don't know any communists, thanks for asking :mrgreen:

You're talking about DICTATORS! So, if a dictator says he's a "socialist", you believe him? If he says he will bestow upon every citizen of the land, a magical marshmallow bunny that will grant them three wishes, would you believe that, too? Do you believe Hitler sent the Jews to "work camps", too?

Come on, now. So because some tyrannical dictators in the past have claimed to be "socialist", ALL socialists are tyrannical dictators? Does the word "DEMOCRACY" mean anything to you? Look it up. It's what democratic socialists believe in over all else.

I find it hard to believe that you've read ANY "political" thought that wasn't 100% in line with your own views.

You seem to think I'm much younger than I really am. Just because I'm in college, doesn't mean I'm straight out of high school, yanno.
As I recall, didn't John McCain repeatedly say during HIS campaign that "the foundation of the economy is strong"? As I recall, wasn't most of the nation oblivious to the fact that we were in a recession, until A YEAR AFTER the recession began? Seriously, if you're going to lambast Obama and his administration for "misreading" the economy, it's worth spreading some of that vitriol around to others who are just as deserving. You could start with, well, EVERYONE.

I think Doob either forgot to take his medication or took way too much. You're losin' it brother. I posted an article from the Chicago Suns Times to show that the MSM might actually start doing their jobs and stop cheerleading for Obama. How did "I" lambaste (notice I included the silent "e") him in any way? I didn't write the stinking article but my name is ObamaSanta and I approve that message.

Just look at who the corporate government media complex is owned by, and it's easy to see why they're a bunch of lap dogs for the Obama crew.

GE owns NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, and the CEO of GE is on the obama financial recovery team.

NBC wants FOX discredited - for among other reasons - because they reported that GE continued to provide help to our enemy Iran.

CNN was started by Ted Turner.

Need I say more?

Then GreenCross makes a simple post about the networks relationship to the administration and why they might have it out for Fox. Then we get this "very odd" reply from doob.

Hey GreenCross, maybe you can kiss my ass?

Do you know if I support Obama or not? Nope, you just assume that because I disagree with YOU, that I support Obama.

Typical right-wing ignorance.

Welcome to ignore.

Uh? WTF? He wasn't talking to you, he wasn't directing ANYTHING as far as I can tell at you, so why insult him and ignore him. Like I said, you're losing it.

Vi, your opinion means Jack squat.

YOU are the one who continues to label me marxist/communist/fascist/progressive/liberal without taking into account that ALL THOSE LABELS ARE DIFFERENT.

I'm a student of political science. I KNOW the difference between these things. What do YOU do that makes you such an expert on political affiliation and ideology?

First of all, YOU don't decide shit about whether anyone's opinion counts or not, you're just a Lib shmuck with an opinion of your own, you're in NO position of authority OR position of even being correct or logical. You're a typical college student parroting the Progressive talking points over and over.

Secondly, I don't care which of those titles you are, it doesn't matter. They all suck. You're free to be any one of them, just don't expect any respect for it. And get off the whole definition thing you've been trying for months, it's boring and it's NOT WORKING. You keep making the same point over and over thinking it gets more relevant the more times you type it. It doesn't so try beating a different dead horse.

Thirdly, no one cares if you're a student of political science. That just confirms everything we all think about you from the monotonous droning of the Progressive blather. It doesn't fly and except for a few other lemmings on here, you're in the minority, regarding your thoughts on just about everything. Get over yourself, we laugh in your face at the stupid, naive statements you make, daily.