Well-Known Member
Absolute, babbling, incoherent, bullshit.
Absolute, babbling, incoherent, bullshit.
You Lie! What a load of crap.
I think Doob either forgot to take his medication or took way too much. You're losin' it brother. I posted an article from the Chicago Suns Times to show that the MSM might actually start doing their jobs and stop cheerleading for Obama. How did "I" lambaste (notice I included the silent "e") him in any way? I didn't write the stinking article but my name is ObamaSanta and I approve that message.
Then GreenCross makes a simple post about the networks relationship to the administration and why they might have it out for Fox. Then we get this "very odd" reply from doob.
Uh? WTF? He wasn't talking to you, he wasn't directing ANYTHING as far as I can tell at you, so why insult him and ignore him. Like I said, you're losing it.
First of all, YOU don't decide shit about whether anyone's opinion counts or not, you're just a Lib shmuck with an opinion of your own, you're in NO position of authority OR position of even being correct or logical. You're a typical college student parroting the Progressive talking points over and over.
Secondly, I don't care which of those titles you are, it doesn't matter. They all suck. You're free to be any one of them, just don't expect any respect for it. And get off the whole definition thing you've been trying for months, it's boring and it's NOT WORKING. You keep making the same point over and over thinking it gets more relevant the more times you type it. It doesn't so try beating a different dead horse.
Thirdly, no one cares if you're a student of political science. That just confirms everything we all think about you from the monotonous droning of the Progressive blather. It doesn't fly and except for a few other lemmings on here, you're in the minority, regarding your thoughts on just about everything. Get over yourself, we laugh in your face at the stupid, naive statements you make, daily.
Okay, CrackerJax Jr., I'm in the minority?
Hardly. There are more democrats than republicans, I'd say that puts me in the MAJORITY, pal. Better take a good, hard look around you and see which team you're batting for. OUCH, it's the one without enough players? Guess you forfeit. Too bad, so sad.
Okay, CrackerJax Jr., I'm in the minority?
Hardly. There are more democrats than republicans, I'd say that puts me in the MAJORITY, pal. Better take a good, hard look around you and see which team you're batting for. OUCH, it's the one without enough players? Guess you forfeit. Too bad, so sad.
Hey NoDrama, maybe you can kiss my ass?
Do you know if I support Obama or not? Nope, you just assume that because I disagree with YOU, that I support Obama.
Typical right-wing ignorance.
As I recall, didn't John McCain repeatedly say during HIS campaign that "the foundation of the economy is strong"? As I recall, wasn't most of the nation oblivious to the fact that we were in a recession, until A YEAR AFTER the recession began? Seriously, if you're going to lambast Obama and his administration for "misreading" the economy, it's worth spreading some of that vitriol around to others who are just as deserving. You could start with, well, EVERYONE.
North, I do believe your posts become more imbecilic with each passing day. Which is quite a feat considering you set the bar of stupidity so high with incomprehensible comments like the one directly below.
I feel like I'm in a debate with the town drunkard. Just to be clear, are you saying I lied by posting an article from the Chicago Sun times or are you calling the writer a liar? If it's directed at me, well I hate to break it to you, I didn't write it. If "You Lie!" is directed at the writer, well he isn't here to read your comment so it seems doubly stupid to make such an exclamation.
It seems that with each new failure of this administration and Senate/Congressional leaders, the collective IQ of our esteemed liberal opponents drops. Are we angry health care reform isn't going well? Hmmm? Maybe you would do better in these little exchanges if you changed the locks on the doors. LOL... lemmings.
Hardly. There are more democrats than republicans, I'd say that puts me in the MAJORITY, pal. .
From Jon Voight of all people...... he says it in layman terms.... this is why Obama is skidding off the polls. Rightfully so..... if you think like an freedom loving American that is.
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.