

Well-Known Member
So, does anyone exercise a lot on here? I do yoga everyday and run three times a week. I try to offset my smoking habit with some five mile runs. What about you? Do you think it's important? Do you think it clashes with the "classic stoner" image? Let's hear it. :peace:
well id sooner be the fit stoner than the classic but as for exercise i always make empty promises to myself to do some everyday but only manage a lazy half an hour bout three days a week at best!
I run 4miles for cardio everyday. & I bench everyday I'm currently maximg out on 225. Hey that's alot considering I'm only about 5'5 & I weigh about 190. That's part of my work out everyday. But everyday I work out a different part of my body. I'm in shape I love my body & I work out stoned as hell. I think it's cool to be in shape. My old gym teachers dad went snowboarding for his 85th bday. He was a work out junkie.
I run everyday...even with my bad knees....I don't run because I am health freak, I run because I am addicted to it....
i do powerlifting and heavily into training ive been training constantly for about the age of 12 i do thai boxing kettlebells sand bags ect i love to train
Army, I have to. Mostly weight lifting. Bench 315. 7 minute 45 second jogging mile time. 5 foot 10 inches. 245 pounds.
I'm trying to get myself to become more fit and active. It's hard, managing time between job, school, and stoner.

But my friend and I are working out together now. A couple miles of hike/walk, then typical cardio, followed by some minor weights and half-hour meditation, every other day. I'm starting to wake up easier, and I almost feel...brighter.
it does clash with the stoner image, but it certainly isn't contradictory to a stoner.

running is good for you :)
when summer goes into full fledged heat I start working out/doing shit every day outside. especially garden work and hiking :)
gotta keep that heart bumping. i'm starting to bike 10 miles a day. can't run due to bad shinsplints so biking is better. plus i got a fixed gear so i have to keep pedaling the whole time. no changing gears for me. uphill is a killer.
i know a guy who sometimes go mountain biking that only has one gear. I tried going up one hill with it and it was impossible
yeah i have a road bike and it's hard as shit. you just have to stand up and keep trucking or you won't get anywhere haha
So, does anyone exercise a lot on here? I do yoga everyday and run three times a week. I try to offset my smoking habit with some five mile runs. What about you? Do you think it's important? Do you think it clashes with the "classic stoner" image? Let's hear it. :peace:
Let's just say I used to be the WO fiend......7-10 miles a day running, and I DO mean RUNNING, up hill at that. 1000 situps (hanging upside down for many of them) several times a week, 30 minutes to 1 hour a day of yoga---and the weights....minium 2 hours a day. Can you say INSANE?
You could probably say I was just a tad obsessive, but truthfully, there's just no better feeling in the world being fit and feeling fluid as you go through your daily tasks. It's addictive...not a bad addiction to have either. But I don't suggest everyone follow that insane routine.
Needless to say, after people would witness my "routine"----they would ALWAYS stare at me with utter shock when I lit up......and yeah, I smoked cigs too. You can get away with that for only so long before those runs become shorter and all but disappear.
Damn, I just read my comment. I should thank you for posing that question on RIU. It's a beautiful day.......awesome day for a run.
Let's just say I used to be the WO fiend......7-10 miles a day running, and I DO mean RUNNING, up hill at that. 1000 situps (hanging upside down for many of them) several times a week, 30 minutes to 1 hour a day of yoga---and the weights....minium 2 hours a day. Can you say INSANE?
You could probably say I was just a tad obsessive, but truthfully, there's just no better feeling in the world being fit and feeling fluid as you go through your daily tasks. It's addictive...not a bad addiction to have either. But I don't suggest everyone follow that insane routine.
Needless to say, after people would witness my "routine"----they would ALWAYS stare at me with utter shock when I lit up......and yeah, I smoked cigs too. You can get away with that for only so long before those runs become shorter and all but disappear.

I have a buddy just like you. he capped out at 12 miles max running. but he's just a metabolism junky. no fat has to eat a lot just to keep energy up during the day.

I don't think I could even work up to that level of physique.
I have a buddy just like you. he capped out at 12 miles max running. but he's just a metabolism junky. no fat has to eat a lot just to keep energy up during the day.

I don't think I could even work up to that level of physique.
LOL Poplar, you say that in the present tense....truth is I haven't done that in years. It's been over a year since I've even done a single crunch.....but you know what? My abs are still showing that muscle despite it all---not to mention that to this day, my metabolism is still high. Women love to hate me. I eat A LOT.....and "now" I eat plenty of junk food too.
I keep swearing I'm going to get back to it too. It's not me holding me back, but that's another thread.
At that time, everything that entered my body was extremely healthy--for the most part. Men were in awe of how much I ate, LOL. I kid you not...115 lbs. and the caloric intake was out of this world. But you know, you NEED those calories to perform like that.
OK...let me rephrase, I think I'll go "jog" and work up from there.