exhaling thru nose

Tha Dank

Active Member
this is prolly a stupid question but watever. i kno exhaling weed smoke thru your nose is not "gud" for u but does exhaling thru ur nose really damage it in any way?

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Actually exhaling thru your nose and inhaling through your mouth...hmm idk, but inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth is normally (not smoking) healthier. Hell do whatever floats your boat, but i believe exhaling the weed into your stomach (diaphram breathing) would either get you higher or high much faster.


Well-Known Member
I think I read once that chemicals dont absorb through the nose, but does in the mouth. So you get more THC content if exhaled through the mouth. I just exhale out my nose to look cool.


Well-Known Member
don't worry,,all the silica in yur nose and throat are all burned off,,so it don't matter what way you inhale or exhale,,long as yur smokin

Keep on growin



Well-Known Member
french inhale looks even cooler; take a drag of a joint in your mouth and hold it there while inhaling through your nose so the smoke streams from you mouth, up your nose (get's you higher IMO) then exhale wherever


Active Member
I do the french inhale thing when you inhale let some out your mouth and inhale through your nose so you can see the smoke going into your nose and it gets me higher quicker than regular hits. I hope it does nothing to your nose lol


Well-Known Member
That shit burns. I take big hits, so its just not comfortable.

Take a huge hit, hold it in your lungs and let it go before you get excessively light headed and break your nose on the floor...

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i use a parachute for economic reasons and it gets me so blazed quickly from little weed. i hold my puff 7-10 seconds cuz after theres no more thc being absorbed.