exhaust air advice needed please


Active Member
Hi all

i'm going to be growing in an outdoor shed.I don't want the exhaust air which will be warm to blow right out through the side walls or roof because of possible heat detection issues.

So what i propose to do is to dig a deep trench from the shed put a layer of stones down lay a pipe on top with pre-drilled holes in it to let the air escape more stones on top (i thought putting the stones down would help the air escape).

Then fill the rest in with earth cover with top soil and grass.

The pipe i would feed into the shed from the floor by cutting a hole out attach a large fan to it.

MY MAIN QUESTION IS WOULD THIS WORK? the fan would suck the warm air out the room into the pipe. Air would then seep out through the holes away from the shed.BUT WOULD THE AIR THEN SEEP OUT THROUGH THE EARTH AND ESCAPE AND NOT BACK UP AND SEEP THROUGH THE FAN?

It's a hair brained idea i know but will it work?


Active Member
i think that it would back up into your grow space look at it like this earth is very dense and every time it rains dirt is going to settle and compact. good idea though i like someone that thinks outside the box


Well-Known Member
how many lights? if its large enough, it may work but if your only running 1k in lights, the heat signature is a joke and you are wasting your time.if your running 6-8 1k lights,it might work but you would need a long run & a large pipe,(1-2 feet) and leave the far end open so the air has a chance to cool.b4 it gets out.


Active Member
Only going to run 600 watt hps. But the shed is wooden i will insulate it and leave a fairly large gap between the inner shed wall and the insulation to create a air buffer around the whole shed.
I will also be growing in a grow tent

i live in u.k and want to be ultra safe