Exhaust fan hookups


Well-Known Member
I have been growing med For a few years in tents.
my question is how do you connect your fan to your filter and exhaust hose. I seem to have issues with everytype of fan I ve used with keeping the exhaust hose connected to the exhaust fan. No issue with connecting to the filter,and staying, just the exhaust end. I ve used clamps, tape they always come lose. Any advise would be appreciated.
I've never had that issue, and never heard of anyone have it. Can you send a pic of what you're doing? Preferably one with your attempt to connect and another with it disconnected.
Jubilee clips. Though Its my least favourite thing to have to do in a grow room.

If your using insulated ducting then do the inner layer and then the outer layer with separate clips.
I like a bit of Sellotape sometimes too as an extra measure , I find it doesn't peal like duct tape or electrical tape and its surprisingly strong.
Jubilee clips. Though Its my least favourite thing to have to do in a grow room.

If your using insulated ducting then do the inner layer and then the outer layer with separate clips.
I like a bit of Sellotape sometimes too as an extra measure , I find it doesn't peal like duct tape or electrical tape and its surprisingly strong.
Using just a regular exhaust hose. The silver slinky looking type. I hate the exhaust too. I’ll see if I can find in the states.
That’s what I got setup now. Redone entire setup. Hopefully in couple weeks it want be lose n blowing in the tent.