Exhaust help please


Active Member
so my grow box is getting a little hot and i need to ad an exhaust system before i add more lights. Its a small grow box with only 1 plant in it. I've read a bunch of people talking about using 2 small cpu fans. I'm looking for the cheapest option and i know cpu fans can be pretty cheap, only thing im wondering is how do you guy plug these in? The ones I've looked at all seem to plug into a computer not a wall haha, is there some kind of adapter i can get? Any other low cost suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If you want advise, you need to fork over more info. Like what are you growing in? Size of this box? LIGHT? How many plants? How much you willing to invest. After you answer a few of these questions you will get some responces. Good luck!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
well if his main question is how do i hook up PC computer fans to a wall outlet? than I myself would like to know the answer, because I agree with him, that those could be a good cost effective solution but the ones we have both seem are just with wires at the end meant to be hooked to a computer. So if anyone knows that answer that would be good...

I do however know that cpu fan arent good at pushing air through a carbon filter- not strong enough, and you would have to have 2 one high and one low and on opposite corners to get good ventilation.


Active Member
thanks, i acually just read this https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=226
about turning a comp fan into an exhaust and thats exactly what i needed. My grow right now is 1 plant about 11" right now only under 1 42 watt cfl, I have 4 26 watts to add but just needed to deal with heat issues first. The box is 17" X 20" x 30-55"(adjustable, at 30 right now). I'm thinking of getting 2 small cpu fans and putting 1 in the top of the box and one on the side near the top, and then just have a large passive intake hole at the back of the box near the bottom.


Active Member
yeah once i get this exhaust done and get the new lights up I'll be starting a grow journal cause im sure to need plenty of help, especially once i start flowering and adding nutes, and I've been neglecting plant health while i dail in my box but luckily it looks nice and healthy.


Active Member
so i went and got 2 pc cooling fans and decided to go with 1 as intake and 1 as exhaust, we'll see how it goes. They're a little loud for my stealth grow but if i have a fan running in the room,t.v. on or anything its unnoticeable. I'm hoping this will help drop the temp of the box and allow me to put in more lights tomorrow

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
sweet, do you have access to a camera, i wanna see your set up, and i will definitely scribe to your journal when you get it-

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
nice, looks like a good setup, update post to tell us if the pc fans do the trick- they look small but they move a lot of air. Is that your only plant!? I hope for godsakes that it is a girl, what will you do if it isnt, thats a lot of time to make up for! Best of luck keep it posted, and tell us when you make that journal.


Active Member
haha yeah my only plant unfortunately. This is my first grow so i figured id just do 1 and gain some knowledge before stepping it it up to 6(I'm a CA medical patient). I have good hope that it'll be a girl though cause it's from feminized seeds. I'll deffinatley let you know when i start my journal.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
well at least you have the assurance of feminized seeds.. they usually work from what i hear- but what a tradjedy that could end up. If you legally can then you legally should be growing 6!!! lol


Active Member
I have a similar setup run out of a mini fridge. I have all the supplies, just waiting until the end of summer to setup my OP. I have a 150 watt HPS bulb and heat is a one of the major factors that I'm concerned about. I have three PC fans setup, and one battery powered min-fan; that I'm hoping will do the trick. I'll be raising one or two plants, and I was also concerned about the smell for my stealth grow. Is that a factor for you as well? If so, what do you plan on doing about it??


Active Member
Honestly the cheapest and best thing I've found to vent with was a bathroom ventilation fan. You can get it at the home depot or lowe's for only about ten dollars. They kick ass pretty well. That's just what I use. Hope it helps everyone. -MMT-


Well-Known Member
I have never seen an exhaust fan at HD or lowes for 10 bucks! Go online to e-bay and get the best prices.