Exhaust smells


Well-Known Member
I am going to vent straight up through the roof, am I correct in assuming that the smells will go straight up in the air and not downwards. If this is the case I wont need to clean the exhaust air.

Can anybody advise if this is correct?

Thanks for lookin


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan. i mean there is a possibility that someone could get a wiff of it...but whatever.
i grew 4 plants ontop of my house...no one ever noticed.
also a carbon filter couldnt hurt...only add more security


New Member
Ummm ... some strains of mj smell to the High Heavens. Other's smell like Hell. You know in what direction Hell is located, right? Yeppers ... right down to the ground where the meter reader, gardner, mailman, etc walk. If you want to be stealthy, get a carbon filter. I mean ... why not be safe?



Well-Known Member
Thank you

I was just of the opinion that hot air rises so I thought it would only go up.