Exhaust to attached garage/filters?


Well-Known Member
I am venting the exhaust from the room to a garage, then filtering the aroma in that space. As a result, the setup is nearly silent, invisible, and the garage is heated in winter, which is nice.

Question is, what size carbon filter should I use? It's 8000 cu ft. In the garage. Running a full canopy of flowers under a 1000 and a 600 hps. Grow area is 5'x10'

I currently have a 6" and an 8" inline scrubbers running.


Well-Known Member
Is there a specific reason you want to scrub such a large area instead of filtering the exhaust itself? Just seems like you're making things difficult for no reason.

If you're really determined then your best bet is probably setting up a couple CAN filters. http://canfilters.com


Well-Known Member

filters tend to block in high humidity or in the rain

heres the best venting thread on the web

(https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=112862 )

good luck
It's true that filters either lose efficiency or basically all but quit working in higher humidity. I think the take away from that is that scrubbers in the garage wouldn't be very effective and the op should probably stick with an inline exhaust filter in the flowering room?

Stink Bug

Well-Known Member
I was afraid the filter would be too restricted, causing the temperature to rise.
Then add a higher cfm fan when adding the carbon filter. If I understand your grow size, 5x10x8=400 cuft. A 600-800cfm fan with carbon filter should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Maybe missing it but I'd still run filter in tent first to clean air as pulled through there before hits garage. Garage gets clean air, filter lives in tent as we all do shouldn't be a problem.