Exhaust Veg into Flower room


I bought a very small grow tent to use as my "veg" room. I tried a few alternatives and they just weren't working all that well so I spent the money to get something decent. I'm trying to avoid dropping too much money into this so I was trying to figure out how I could exhaust the veg room without having to buy a separate carbon filter. I have two inline fans. One rated around 240 CFM and one that is over 400. I'm not sure of the exact specs. My carbon filter is rated well over 400 as well. So in the quest to save some money, I was thinking I could run the exhaust from veg room directly in to my flowering room which would then get scrubbed and sent on it's merry way smelling like nothing. Does that make sense? Does anyone see any obvious issues with doing that?


Well-Known Member
Just add dampers when you attach two runs of duct.
Get some duct board and some foil tape make a box like 3x3' using dampers attach to runs to the sides then use a collar to attach a duct from another side no damper and duct to your tent


Well-Known Member
Here’s the math I used to find my necessary fan size:
39" x 23" x 92" (in reality, its a bit less due to some airspace being consumed by equipment. Some of that equipment gives off heat, so I'll ignore its space use and overcompensate)
Size in cubic feet - W x D x H: 3.25' x 1.92' x 7.67' = 47.86 cubic feet
Size x 3 to compensate for filter air flow restriction: 143.58 minimum cfm requirement
Adjust for 80% real world efficiency of inline fan - min. CFM @ 80% total: (143.58 / 8 ) x 10 = 179.48 total minimum CFM
So my minimum fan CFM should be at least total minimum CFM x 2, so that I can adjust up if need be. That means that my minimum fan capability should be 358.96. Choosing 2 Vortex inline 6" 449cfm fans, or 3 AbcoTech 240cfm Boosters give me enough overhead to provide enough negative pressure to ensure fresh air uptake at a rate of at minimum 1 full air exchange per minute at 50% speed..


i wouldnt exaust into flower those are your babies that made it all that way. if you have any fungas or mold form from unforseen problem you will be sending spores into flower room no charchol filter will remove all spores. this is just my opinion though and opinions are like ass holes every ones got one. live and learn thats how to make success.


i wouldnt exaust into flower those are your babies that made it all that way. if you have any fungas or mold form from unforseen problem you will be sending spores into flower room no charchol filter will remove all spores. this is just my opinion though and opinions are like ass holes every ones got one. live and learn thats how to make success.
This was one of my concerns with doing it. Is spreading something. The tent is pretty small. I think I'll probably just buy another filter. It wouldn't have to be very big. Thanks.


good move buy another filter ive lived and learned exausting in flower room never good plus your adding heat and humidity by doing so. good luck like to see some pics to see what your working with. im a contractor builder with lots of now how and have built about 25 setups maybe i can shed some light on your situation.