Exhausting Into Sewer


Well-Known Member
I am considering exhausting my hot air and fumes into a sewer line. From a legal grow of course but it seemed so simple, I was wondering if anyone else does this or possibly I am missing something. I seemed pretty stealth, and having been in underground for a turn, I can tell you that ain't nobody in there smellin the air for pot.:o

So wadya think:wall:


Well-Known Member
you would have to find a fool proof way to make sure the air kept a 1 way flow. you wouldn't want the methane gas coming back in the house. not worth the risk if you ask me. but what about the vent stacks and blow it out to the top of the building?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you would be better off just running it out of the roof some how. That methane, especially from sewage tunnels could build up and you could kiss it all goodbye if not your own ass too if your in it when it blows.


Active Member
lots of people have did the blow it out the sewer roof vent and been caught, i must stress that the area around the pipe where it exits the roof gets warm for some reason, it is only a few degrees but looks white under the thermal imaging camera from a helicopter, and they have thought it was the start of a house fire and had the front door kicked in by the fire brigade and police, you are better blowing it directly in to the sewer and any hot air and methane will be blown out divided by all your neighbours roof vents, dont worry about that as all houses have water traps on sinks and toilets to protect the house occupants so they wont get gassed, by the time it gets to their exit pipe it will be stone cold.

although any houses that have not been occupied for a while will have methane in them as the water traps lower with evaporation.

so you may kill a few vagrants or squatters in the process.

I'd be concerned with the sewer backing up. It happens from time to time from tree roots or foreign objects. If that happens, your exhaust has no where to go. I'd find a plumber who would talk real with you. Ask around enough and you'll find one. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
I'd be concerned with the sewer backing up. It happens from time to time from tree roots or foreign objects. If that happens, your exhaust has no where to go. I'd find a plumber who would talk real with you. Ask around enough and you'll find one. Better safe than sorry.
Actually, I am a plumber. At least I am licensed to be one. Not much of a plumber but it is what it is.
venting out a roof vent sort of defeats the purpose. All stealth grow blow their cover as soon as the flir sees the heat. Sending it down the 4" sewer main thirty feet to the 36 inch mainline seems like a better alternative. I wouldn't go to the mat with anyone on this cuz I ain't no expert on sewer gas but I have had my head in a sewer pipe before and the gas really isn't that bad. Wouldn't want to et my lunch in a sewer pipe but I'm still here so it won't kill you right off. Won't ignite to my knowledge either. Lots of underground guys smoke with reckless abandon and havn't seen too many flying thru the air. OK that one guy but I'm sure that won't happen again!!


Active Member
I'd be concerned with the sewer backing up. It happens from time to time from tree roots or foreign objects. If that happens, your exhaust has no where to go. I'd find a plumber who would talk real with you. Ask around enough and you'll find one. Better safe than sorry.

if it backs up it will exit your roof vent,
even if your out flow is below the water level it will bubble out like blowing in to a glass of water via a straw, that will cool the air and the exit pipe on the roof will stay cool.


Active Member
Actually, I am a plumber. At least I am licensed to be one. Not much of a plumber but it is what it is.
venting out a roof vent sort of defeats the purpose. All stealth grow blow their cover as soon as the flir sees the heat. Sending it down the 4" sewer main thirty feet to the 36 inch mainline seems like a better alternative. I wouldn't go to the mat with anyone on this cuz I ain't no expert on sewer gas but I have had my head in a sewer pipe before and the gas really isn't that bad. Wouldn't want to et my lunch in a sewer pipe but I'm still here so it won't kill you right off. Won't ignite to my knowledge either. Lots of underground guys smoke with reckless abandon and havn't seen too many flying thru the air. OK that one guy but I'm sure that won't happen again!!
i worked in the sewer for years, the sewer goes 4" from your home, to 8" - 9" right outside your home then right up to 24" then 36" and so on goes right up to 12 feet in our area, i have cleaned fat from the walls of the main sewer 4 feet thick with a million cotton buds stuck in it, using a 200 bar jet of water that would slice you in half in a second, i used to slice all the rats up to have fun, hundreds of them, i used kevlar protective clothing and face mask including breathing apparatus if the methane levels were high, as methane has no smell at all, when they pump gas in to your home for your gas cooker the smell is added by the company so you can detect leaks, the air is so cold in the sewer you feel like it is winter time, and it always seems as if there is a slight wind blowing, if you want to vent in to the sewer do so at low level, but do not vent directly out of your roof vent.

believe me the thermal imaging camera from a helicopter or plane will detect you as the start of a house fire.



Well-Known Member
Bad idea. That methane issue is real. Ive heard of a guy having his ass blown off while taking a relaxing crap.


Active Member
Interesting read, I have to say it has already been done.. There is a grower in BC that not only put his ehaust through the toilet but generator exhaust as well... He does only 1 grow a year but it was done and he didn't blowhimself up. All your plumbing is designed with a 'P' trap to keep the gasses from coming into your house.... Just keep them full of water and you should be fine....


Active Member
Apartment maintenance vent to the down hill side of the P trap. That will vent to the sewer side not up the vent: stealth put a dryer exhaust flapper to seal the stack vent. County did a test with smoke pressure test was a trip watching smoke come out all the functional vent stacks! Flush : Toilets only vent inside when bowl trap is empty.