Existential Nihilism, a new form of freedom.


Well-Known Member
The more I learn about our existence and the way we interact with each other, the more I wish I was a blissfully ignorant drone that never started digging, because once you get a taste of the truth you can't stop looking for it. And the more you find the more disappointed and scared you become.

On the other hand, at least I can say to myself, that I thought I had a much better grasp on reality than most people. But then again that just might be my perspective ;)
Agreed Daxus, and well put!

I feel the same way about this as well. There are times where I wish I had faith in a higher power. The thought of spending eternity with loved ones is very appealing!

But alas, us non-believing heathens are burdened with the understanding that what we see here is all there is to it. It's empowering at times, but mostly it's just depressing when I allow myself to think about it.


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite perspectives on how astronomically lucky each of us are to be here is by Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins. This is from Chapter one, The Anaesthetic of Familiarity, and shows how we've already won the cosmic lottery:

"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.

Moralists and theologians place great weight upon the moment of conception, seeing it as the instant at which the soul comes into existence. If, like me, you are unmoved by such talk, you still must regard a particular instant, nine months before your birth, as the most decisive event in your personal fortunes. It is the moment at which your consciousness suddenly became trillions of times more foreseeable than it was a split second before. To be sure, the embryonic you that came into existence still had plenty of hurdles to leap. Most conceptuses end in early abortion before their mother even knew they were there, and we are all lucky not to have done so. Also, there is more to personal identity than genes, as identical twins (who separate after the moment of fertilization) show us. Nevertheless, the instant at which a particular spermatozoon penetrated a particular egg was, in your private hindsight, a moment of dizzying singularity. It was then that the odds against your becoming a person dropped from astronomical to single figures.

The lottery starts before we are conceived. Your parents had to meet, and the conception of each was as improbable as your own. And so on back, through your four grandparents and eight great grandparents, back to where it doesn't bear thinking about..."

I don't want to hijack Zaehet's thread by posting the excerpt in its entirety, so you can read the rest here, should help with any depression experienced:


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You guys are fucking awesome, we have so many great minds and philosophers here on riu. Thanks Tyler, much appreciated. I own this E-book but have yet to read it, but for some odd reason i think im going to start it this evening =D. Thank you for sharing guys, this thread has turned into something super awesome that i think can help a lot of people deal with the absurdity of existence and still find reasons to continue to live and stay happy.

Pad, Carl Sagan is for the mutha fuckin win. If anyone has netflix, you can catch his 13 episode series, a little old school, but nothing more than astronomically amazing!


Well-Known Member
You guys are fucking awesome, we have so many great minds and philosophers here on riu. Thanks Tyler, much appreciated. I own this E-book but have yet to read it, but for some odd reason i think im going to start it this evening =D. Thank you for sharing guys, this thread has turned into something super awesome that i think can help a lot of people deal with the absurdity of existence and still find reasons to continue to live and stay happy.

Pad, Carl Sagan is for the mutha fuckin win. If anyone has netflix, you can catch his 13 episode series, a little old school, but nothing more than astronomically amazing!
Nobody inspires like Sagan.

When I feel defeated or stressed out, reading his take on life, values and existence always puts whatever first world problem I might have in perspective.

Dude wrote half of one of his books, I believe it's either Cosmos or The Demon Haunted World, while staring death in the face. When you read what he wrote in light of his circumstances, you can tell immediately that there was truly something special about the guy.

A genuine hero, if there ever was one.


Well-Known Member
You guys are fucking awesome, we have so many great minds and philosophers here on riu. Thanks Tyler, much appreciated. I own this E-book but have yet to read it, but for some odd reason i think im going to start it this evening =D. Thank you for sharing guys, this thread has turned into something super awesome that i think can help a lot of people deal with the absurdity of existence and still find reasons to continue to live and stay happy.

Pad, Carl Sagan is for the mutha fuckin win. If anyone has netflix, you can catch his 13 episode series, a little old school, but nothing more than astronomically amazing!
Dawkins is my favorite author and you, especially you Zaehet, will appreciate Unweaving the Rainbow. All of his books are amazing and should be required reading imho. Same with Carl Sagan. I'm putting that Sagan series in my queue right now!


Well-Known Member
The more I learn about our existence and the way we interact with each other, the more I wish I was a blissfully ignorant drone that never started digging, because once you get a taste of the truth you can't stop looking for it. And the more you find the more disappointed and scared you become.

On the other hand, at least I can say to myself, that I thought I had a much better grasp on reality than most people. But then again that just might be my perspective ;)
Bro I love you.. in a completely platonic way of course :). +rep


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, Dawkins is another one ahead of his time it seems. That guy can seriously just destroy people. Besides Hitchens he's probably the most blunt when it comes to religion. Have you guys read The God Delusion?


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, Dawkins is another one ahead of his time it seems. That guy can seriously just destroy people. Besides Hitchens he's probably the most blunt when it comes to religion. Have you guys read The God Delusion?
That's my favorite of all time, Pad! He came for a lecture at the University of Chicago in 2006 right after the book's release, and I got it signed and a picture with him (it's my Facebook profile pic ;)). I've read it through about four times, and its arguments and logic really helped me to put theists away in short order. You should all check out www.richarddawkins.net, the site's motto is 'A Clear-Thinking Oasis'...


Well-Known Member
i wanna go back to living in a cave and hunting for my dinner instead of talking shite about this and that


Active Member
i wanna go back to living in a cave and hunting for my dinner instead of talking shite about this and that
I wanna go back to living in a cave while talking shit about this and that instead of hunting for my dinner.


Well-Known Member
I wanna go back to living in a cave while talking shit about this and that instead of hunting for my dinner.
thats natures natural selection right there my friend, survival of the fittest, you will starve and die and ill be eating bbq mammoth ribs


Active Member
thats natures natural selection right there my friend, survival of the fittest, you will starve and die and ill be eating bbq mammoth ribs
*Me in a cave*: Did you see that dumbass just get crushed by a mammoth?
*Friend*: Yeah that was stupid, hey check it out, this cave has an edible moss growing on it!

Adapting to our surroundings - the real survival of the fittest :P

Although I will admit BBQ Mammoth probably tastes a shit ton better.