Exodus Cheese,Clone only back in da house.

My first attempt at locating Exodus Cheese. I've grown plenty of Big Buddha Cheese with decent results. My last hope was Kaliman Cheese #1 but those are long gone. Fingers crossed.
I would look at ugorg or kgbeans when in stock if its cheese you after if i was you also kgbeans has a nice psychosis bx ive literally only heard of one dude on here who kept a cut from his cheese(kaliman/rockster) he nicknamed it weapons grade after me due to me disagreeing with the whole exo reversal story and being referred to as a weapons grade dickhead (kaliman)hence the weapons grade moniker so take what u want from this lol
Dude I would love one myself now
I got a seed pack of GH Exodus Cheese and none germed. The second seed pack they sent to replace the first (good seedbank support) I sanded the shells and soaked in gibberellins, only one popped and it had no apical meristem, sigh. So my looking about has been unfruitful.
I got a seed pack of GH Exodus Cheese and none germed. The second seed pack they sent to replace the first (good seedbank support) I sanded the shells and soaked in gibberellins, only one popped and it had no apical meristem, sigh. So my looking about has been unfruitful.
BCG birmingham city genetics has some kalimans seeds he was hooked up with rockster doing some breeding projects i know he definately has lots of kalimans seeds left.
I got a seed pack of GH Exodus Cheese and none germed. The second seed pack they sent to replace the first (good seedbank support) I sanded the shells and soaked in gibberellins, only one popped and it had no apical meristem, sigh. So my looking about has been unfruitful.
Go with ugorg for cheese or cheese not exodus greenhouse seeds cheese is big buddahs best pheno.Or direct to big buddah
Go with ugorg for cheese or cheese not exodus greenhouse seeds cheese is big buddahs best pheno_Or direct to big buddah
Thanks, I'm in the US so I was hoping for a US seedbank. I tried Attitude who I've used for years and they don't show it. Alchimia shows it as discontinued. So I'll keep checking around. I've never run a cheese. Although it has Skunk #1 in it's lineage which I just harvested and need to complete seed separation and get those packed and should smoke a bowl.
Hazeman has a bunch of Exodus crosses and a BX, I have a pack or two stashed away. Shoot him an email for a list.
Go with ugorg for cheese or cheese not exodus greenhouse seeds cheese is big buddahs best pheno_Or direct to big buddah
Ironically its the brightside cut greenhouse used for there exodus cheese so its kinda mislabled brightside gave them it himself and his cheese is technically pre exo and the one labeled greenhouse cheese is bigbhuddas but like tyke says the s1s are good but tend not to be like the mother so much sure if you hunted enough of them you could maybe get lucky and find one similiar to the cut but ugorg or kgbeans be a easier shout id say too