Exotic plants in aero?


Well-Known Member
So I was met this cutie behind the bar and she said she had a hoya plant I could have when I mentioned my interest in "exotic" plants for my aero set up.

While I have been adding some exotic plants to my room I never thought about putting them in aero. Especially for viney plants like a hoya. Seems like it would be hard to get a system going where plants are spread out and at different heights (put the hanging hoya on one of my ceiling beems was my first thought). But this girl is super cute.

Anyone got ideas on a cool set up for exotic plants or should I just put them in soil like a normal person.
hoyas are vine plants. they are those classic plants your grandparents or someone you knew who put it up top somewhere in the house and it grew around the walls or down
or in one of those weird ass wicker bookshelves.

they dont like direct light on them nor do they like dark corners
i would say accept the plant, but keep it as it should be displayed in the home and not confined to an areo garden
Sounds like solid advice to me. Are their any herbs good for making tea that could live under T5 lights and completely in a stickbud veg unit. Basically something that doesn't grow super long roots.
Sounds like solid advice to me. Are their any herbs good for making tea that could live under T5 lights and completely in a stickbud veg unit. Basically something that doesn't grow super long roots.
have you heard of chocolate mint? smells beautiful ^_^
Rhododendron....I read a peer reviewed paper, discussing how aero cloning [i know slightly different topic...] was literally the only way a Rhododendron species has been cloned with repeatable succes, so it just would be cool to have an indoor rhodi...beautiful, fragrant flowers to boot :peace:
Nice, theres a bunch of cool looking speciesm. I'm sure my plants will enjoy the company too :bigjoint:

I have an ice cream maker too so Im sure I could make the dankest chocolate mint ice cream ever