So I moved the lights closer together so I could throw some girls in the middle, I also switched my lights to on at night and off during day, electric getting expensive having to run ac during the day and a heater at night. Figure ill be set for sumer =D Also a quick look at my "chemical/hydro" experiment. Going to run hydro nutes till flower then use the large flood n drain piping to try organic nutes for flower with the flood table. Not sure if organic water soluble nutes will last a week in a res once mixed. I have 4 airstones in the res and an extra pump constantly going to circulate so we shall see. Put most of my big girls into flower so the veg tent is looking barren....
Watch in 480
Disposition gave me advice to keep res under 75degrees and ph under 6.0 to keep any slime from growing and wow, so much better than my last attempt at hydro, the bottom of the tray is clean and shiny white still after 3 weeks =D