Expensive acid, Yes OR No


Well-Known Member
Last time i bought any it was 15.Wasn't worth 15 but i'd buy some more if i could.Sad isn't it.But weak cid is better than no cid.


Well-Known Member
after 3 years without being able to get my hands on any.. finally found a reliable source that has some incredible hits and good prices.. feel like a kid at xmas..


Well-Known Member
unless you don't take enough of the weak cid, then I'd say you're better off with none!
I feel ya.....but if it was what i was able to get my hands on i'm takin it.

Damn....your post made that mild trip even worse and it was over a yr ago.

You are so right....weak cid sucks....but what am i supposed ta do?


Active Member
Try and find someone to take them before you do, so you make sure they are worth it. and buy enough of them!


Well-Known Member
Try and find someone to take them before you do, so you make sure they are worth it. and buy enough of them!
I would love to be able to work it that way bro,believe that.Another thing is that even though i don't get to indulge like you guys i'm a trooper.Always been like that....you guys are taken 2....give me 3 to start.i can't drink for shit....but go ahead and drop a 10 strip in front of me and it's on.

I have been able to purchase it 4 times in the last 8-9 yrs i'd say.Last 2 times i got a hold of 4....2 for me an 2 for the other half.Time before that was a 10 strip i got for 90 bucks,was decent,definitely worth the $90.And time before that i got lucky a comped a sheet for $500.Gave the dude 550 since he was just the middle man....then dude tried ta spend the 50 with me for some trip....it was funny.Told him keep his 50 and tossed him3 hits.And i was very very happy with that sheet....good stuff.Lost out on that deal cause my hook up passed away in a car wreck about 3-4 months later.


Well-Known Member
I have a ganesha blotter sheet (100) of 200 ug tabs chilling in my desk. I've already taken like 6, but this sheet will probably last me a couple years.


Well-Known Member
man id take a road trip if lucy would be the light at the end of the road ....

lucy is a forgotten memory around here


Well-Known Member
So my molly guy managed to get some acid at a rave recently but they were charging like 15 each, so he only brought back two. At these prices is there much point in me and my friend doing one each? Both our first time on acid.

Thanks in advance friends :D

Uhmm yeah bro, if its your first 'virgin hit' of acid?!?! Hell yeah its worth the 15 dollars per hit.

Hell, right now.. I haven't tripped since 2006 man.. and right now, if someone told me that they had some, but it was $20 a hit, I'd fucking pay it. Hell, I might even go as high as $25 a hit.. just so I could trip again. But, I don't see that ever happening.. so, yeah.. it sucks.

But for you.. yeah man, one hit each will more than likely do the both of you's some good.

If you don't care about the price, and you really want to trip, fucking do it. Me personally, I wouldn't. Considering the price per hit, and the fact that it's only one hit a piece. Shit, if the time was right, i possibly would score 2 or 3 for 15 a pop. But there is usually doses blowing in every now in then, usually around 70 a strip for good paper around here. I've taken a whole lot of good and bad acid in my day, and taking one hit feels like I'm cheating myself everytime, even if it's really good. My comfort zone is around 4-5 hits.


Well-Known Member
A "good Deal"? I have been posting along these lines for a while now. Psychadelics are a "good deal" no matter how much you pay, why do people consider money when they are given the opportunity for good LSD? Waaaay back when, we commonly paid 10 to 15 dollars a dose. That was in the 70's so One might figure that is about 30 or 40 dollars today. We never thought twice about how much we had to pay for an all day experience such as that. Of course the average pill/tab contained about 400 mikes but still...

What we DID do was gamble on quality. We never ever bought just enough for one time, we bought as many as we all could afford. There is a great deal of value in predictability. When we all chipped in, we could buy 20 or 30 of something, many times get the price down but we then knew with a high degree of certainty how strong and how pure the things were and could depend on that for as long as that particular stash held out. Of course there were times when whatwe bought was just not that good - at least we knew what we had. We never wondered if it was a "good deal", acid for any price is always a "good deal" - consider how many people cannot find it at all - and I dare say some of them would gladly pay about any price for about any quantity.