expensive seed germination help

Here's a system that has been working for decades. Get a heating mat, propagation station with seed starting medium. Make sure you also have a sufficient light for seedlings before you ever touch those beans to water. Get some paper towels, a saucer, plastic wrap and a hand towel. Plug in mat, fold hand towel over mat and place in a safe place. Place saucer on hand towel. Wet paper towels, place seeds between two and three layers of paper towels and place on saucer. Cover saucer with plastic wrap but leave one end up to beath.

This will create a warm moist environment for germination.

Check every 12 hours and as soon as you see a little sprout plant it in your propagation station, root down about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Place propogation station on mat and cover again with the plastic wrap. Remove wrap as soon as seeds sprout and put under seedling light.
thanks thanks Cosmo, put that up for you haters. anyone else?
c'mon and hate on the newb posting in newbie central.
first time grow. ill learn with or without the help of you nasties out there

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Just get a small plastic cup and fill it half with water. It doesn't matter if you're a half full or half empty kind of guy as both will work. Drop seeds into water and poke them once or twice to make sure they'll float. Check after 24 hrs and poke again if they're still floating. You'll have seeds ready to plant in 24-48 hours. When planting your seed, place it the depth of the seed into the soil. You'll see your young lady within 4 days from dry seed.


Well-Known Member
I just did a google search and had over 2 million hits for seed germination.

But hey, why not one more, right?!

And whats with getting solid advice and then crapping all over those trying to help you? Must be cool with the under 25 crowd or something because I sure see this alot.

140 dollar seeds, hope they have magic inside for that price. Fucking ridiculous.