experienced advice needed please


Active Member
Alright guys im into week 9 of 12/12 with my girls the strains are GHS the church and Nirvana swiss cheese.

My swiss cheese definitely looks done all of the pistils are orange and have receeded plus the trichs are about 40% amber and the rest cloudy.

The church dont look as done, the website says 8 weeks im on day 1 of week 9 and at the moment only about 50% of my pistils have turned orange and receeded. The trichs are about 10% amber 75% cloudy and 15% still clear.

I was hoping to cut all at the same time and i was wanting the trippy head kind of high so what im asking is should i chop or not ??

all the calyxes seem to have swelled and they look good to me but i dont want to rush and end up with hay smelling bud. will i get this if i chop now?

Any replies greatly apreciated please


Well-Known Member
sounds done to me .. but with no pics its hard to say ..

why dont you harvest the most done to day and do the rest in a few days ..


Active Member
thanks for the replies guys i decided to let them go a couple more days just for peace of mind as 1 or 2 still had quite a few white hairs and i dont wantm to rush it after all this hard work. Thanks dudes


Well-Known Member
yea dont rush it, I like to plan it a little, like if I see enough amber and its about ready I might let it go a day or two more if that means its weekend and Im home and have all the time in the world to cut, trim, dry and clean aso.

harvest window should also be between 1 and 2 weeks and if you like the smoke to hit you hard and make you stoned like I do you better let it go a little extra .. a early harvest might result in more "light" smoke so to speak