Experienced AK48 Growers


I need help. My wife has been telling me that for years but this time I really mean it.

My first grow with AK48. I've no experience with this strain so I thought I'd take it easy and start with three plants. After two weeks I'm ready to throw in the towel. Two of the plants look the worse that I've ever seen out of anything I've grown before (scrawny and yellow) and the third has hope but her lower leaves are still yellow and it was touch and go there for a while. I just transplanted the healthy one yesterday. I started the seedlings in 9oz cups. The one I transplanted had a really beautiful root system. The other two you can see a few roots but not like the best one. I am very careful about watering. Even with only a 9oz cup, which I think may be a little too small, I only watered when the moisture droplets visible on the side near the bottom of the cup had evaporated. Usually water, wait two days, water again. A couple of time I'd water lightly every other day.

I would like to know any and all advice that anyone can tell me specifically on AK48. Things like what's the ideal temp? I'm at 80 degrees F during light period 20/4 and I moved in a heater so that in the wee hours of the morning when the light goes out for dark my temp won't drop below 70. It's cold as shit outside where I live, especially at night. I'm using a 400w MH and right now it's about 16 inches above the plants. I check for heat by placing my wrist side up under the light like you would check a baby's bottle. I check multiple times a day to make sure there is no burn. My TDS weird me out. De-Chlorinated water, ph balanced at 6.5 goes in @ room temp, TDS measure 256 going in but my runoff measure 144*10. Is this normal?

Now for the questionable part. I'm using MG soil, the stuff that's prefed @ NPK 21-7-14. Can I baby my babies through this using that soil? Is that what is causing the yellowing? I have not fed and will not feed until five or six weeks into veg. Obviously, there is no need to. I have more seeds but if I can make it through this small grow before I commit to something on a larger scale should I just break down and buy FF Ocean Forest? What nutes for veg and what nutes for flower when using this soil? I've done well with MG on my previous grow but maybe AK doesn't like it. I'm two hours from the closest garden center but for my grow I'll make the run if I have to.

Sorry for being so wordy but I had real 'high' hopes for this small grow as an experiment of AK48 and things just aren't what I expected. Curve ball from Mother Nature and my own inexperience. All help is appreciated. Pics to come as soon as my batteries charge.


Well-Known Member
Too late to say: Flush 'em out, wait a day or 2, add lightly concentrated (50%) complete nutrient.


Active Member
MG is known to be garbage for cannabis. Fox farms is a VERY good strting point for new growers, Go get that next time.