Experienced eyes and sharp strain brain needed

My mate got hold of some really good weed (according to him) but while I was skinning up I found a seed in his superior weed lmfao anyway long story short we grew the two seeds we found in the half ounce he brought and we're trying to get a handle on what strain it could be. The two seeds grew strong and showed different phenotypes on was at a guess 80/20 indie to sat and the other I'd say 60/40 in favour of sativa but we can't work out what strain the dominant indica or sativa it is.
Can any of you experienced growers name the strains



Well-Known Member
My mate got hold of some really good weed (according to him) but while I was skinning up I found a seed in his superior weed lmfao anyway long story short we grew the two seeds we found in the half ounce he brought and we're trying to get a handle on what strain it could be. The two seeds grew strong and showed different phenotypes on was at a guess 80/20 indie to sat and the other I'd say 60/40 in favour of sativa but we can't work out what strain the dominant indica or sativa it is.
Can any of you experienced growers name the strains
Looks like a cross between grandma's anal residue x hairy vagina 25% thc 1.5 cbd very potent strain!!


Well-Known Member
As he said above that's totally a harry vagina butt residue hybrid but honestly the best we can do is tell you what you already know, "that's a Cannabis plant and there is no cost effective way to tell the strain". Best we could do is look at the leaf structure, bud formation, color, smell, and effects stone vs high and make a educated guess at the sativa vs indica lineage, which you already did. So on the upside if its good smoke and you keep the genetics alive you can name it what ever you want :bigjoint: