experienced grower, question led and hps for flowering ?


Well-Known Member
any body using led for flowering ? also I was thinking about using one 1k hps and two 350 watt leds to flower 8 plants at once, could raise the hps up a bit flood it wider then usual hps would be in the middle and one led on each sides, instead of using two hps 1k watts wonder if this set up will save electric ? hard to find out how much juice leds take I know they say 350 watts but do they use 350 watts they rate leds goofy hopefully you can make heads and tails of of my post ty for reading


Well-Known Member
looks like no body is using 2 different lights, yet, ive been reading its expose to increase yield by 20 % wanted to talk to real people,


Active Member
ive used 600w hps with t-5s in the opposite spectrum... and it worked great for me the t-5s on the wall give better light penetration to the lower ends of the plant. also noticed the with the 65k t-5s i saw more leaf production in flowering. and healthy happy happy plants. leds gro like t-5s from what ive seen so... idk about your exact ? there buddy. but u want about 100,000 lumes per square foot in your grow room (sea of green). yes it will pry work... depending on your space size an # of plants you may hav to run a lil experiment to see if it saves power. always keep lights as close to the plant as they can be without burning it. light weakens quickly as it travels distances. im not sure about the up in yeild i saw an uptick in tricome and resin production when i threw the t-5s into the 600w hps grow room. try it out yo an let us know how it grows.


Well-Known Member
YES PROBLEM is I run 8 1000 watt hps an ac machine, fans you know the deal may do an experiment , 4 hps and 8 leds, keep room cooler, electric bill im paying 950 a month just for grow room electric bill, includeing veg room. led expose to save 70 % electric, abouts. so this new set up I figure ide say 50 % to 45 on the bill so it will be 450 ish. a month, what ill do is just set up 10 plants this set up and let it goo . ill post the end results in 8 weeks or so,