so im just over 8 weeks now on my atf everything seems ok except the last 2 weeks or so it seems as it the tips of the buds keep growing longer so there is like skinny tips which is fine with me. i thought they were just growing longer and then gunna just fill out. but now im at 8 weeks and i keep seeing these little yellow things that at first i thought were hermie banana sacks. but when i pinch them i see no pollen and i havnt found any seeds anywhere. the buds seem really poddy like lots of bud pods wherethe pistels usually come out. the thing is they seem like fat seed pods butt when i pinched a couple off they arent or at least dont seem to be seeds they are just really green and moist and i cant tell whats inside cus its so tiny have i gone too long or do i still need to go longer whats up please help if this sounds like somthingg u know about thanks