Experienced Organic Grower to Answer Your Questions

yeah I actually look forward to viewing the pile 1st over my new seedling crop
cool to see it steaming on a warm day
but the seedling/teens are getting interesting looking in their O soil
trics be showing early on alot
gonna be my 1st indoor organic gro debating bags over pots
variation of Coots/Rastaroy's mix that been cooking over 2 weeks so far
got sum white fur in spots already
the seedlings/teens are in Roy's ready for planting mix varied some what
yeah I actually look forward to viewing the pile 1st over my new seedling crop
cool to see it steaming on a warm day
but the seedling/teens are getting interesting looking in their O soil
trics be showing early on alot
gonna be my 1st indoor organic gro debating bags over pots
variation of Coots/Rastaroy's mix that been cooking over 2 weeks so far
got sum white fur in spots already
the seedlings/teens are in Roy's ready for planting mix varied some what
what size containers do you have?
and what lights?
I actually went back to plastic containers a couple yrs back after trying to like the fabrics, but the fabric pots just are unwieldy, less than efficient on space, and I didn''t like they way they held water..
but outside fabric containers are the best, not sure why but I did better in plastics, with less soil room, but I did.
way more solid rootball too
i'm a fan of square plastic containers, that "fit" the footprint of the light a lil better
1600 watts of 3590's Cob in a 6 x 7' room alittle more than 1 per sq/ft
i've got all sizes of pots & will get what bag i need they are not expensive
can't decide i've always used plastic pots with holes everywhere on the sides but that was indoor coco with nutes
need more research on my parts
Hey Snafu 1236,
I got a quick question regarding No Till in pots. I currently use my own Veganic version of a " cooked " SuperSoil alongside compost teas and topdressings. I have been reading so much great info about No To Till that I wanted to transition some of my pots. My plan would would be to use clover and alfalfa as cover crops and as a compost. When I make the transition ( which will be after this grow I am currently in the middle of ) I plan on cutting the plant at the base of the stem at harvest and pulling out a small chunk of the roots and leaving most of them and then planting a new plant in its place and then planting the cover crop and them slowly turn it into a No TIll setup. Unfortunately I am only using 10 gallon Smart pots and maybe 1 25 gallon. My question pertains primarily to the 10 gallon Smart pots. #1 Would you say this is a decent way of going about a transition ( assuming my soil mix is good )? #2 Would I end up running into root-bound problems since the pots are only 10 gallons? I would be using the old roots from the last grow to break down and become nutrients for the new plants, but would you for see me running into issues in the 10 gallons ( maybe only being able to run a few grows before I run into problems)? Thank you in advance.