Experiences with 'the other side'


Well-Known Member
Please share your mystical trips where you have seen gnomes and such. Its a pretty common thing, and I've been thinking about it a lot recently. I have a couple stories myself. I'd like to reflect on your guys' though. Tell me the most interesting one youv'e got!! And how you interpreted it :cool:


Well-Known Member
Oh ok. Well. I attempted it once. Did the breathing excercises. Too about 10 20 minutes (perception in that state seemed off so longer or shorter) and I felt relaxed. Also felt like I was floating in blackness. I focused on seeing past my forehead and slowly evrything in front of me.became visible. It was all in a violet.hue though. Next I focused on feeling my body lift into the air. It was weird. The part of.my body facing up felt like it was lifting up. The bottom felt.heavy. It was as.though I was feeling seperation of some sort. My pusle slowed down a lot. Although my heart was beating really hard. I then felt shaking. Like a strong vibration or something. Freakes me out so I opened my eyes. I felt amazing though. Want to practice it.more as.soon as.i work out some spiritual issues.


Well-Known Member
See, similar things have happened to me. Once during meditation while under the influence of dxm(dissociatives have proved to me, to be able to slam you into OBE's with a very short durated meditation session) I was laying, listening to very calming music, animal collective to be specific. And I floated off into a void that is unexplainable. I cant even comprehend what that was like now, I cant explain what I saw, the best explanation that I have is floating through outer space.. Astral plane I guess is what this is. I remember floating through hoops of music... Its just.. Incomprehensible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats fucking dope. Animal collective is too. what other stuff have you experienced? I.need to meditate more so I can feel.more at ease doing that stuff


Well-Known Member
Sorry I've had alot of these type of experiences. Unfortunately for the sake of this thread. I've had them while not tripping, or with the assistance of any "enhancers" except maybe jasmine, or lotus not ingested.


Well-Known Member
Oh my god.. Someone else has been to the other side? I've been there many times.. I thought this was just something I was imagining, but its real right??


Well-Known Member
I think it's real. And a maybe a side intertwined with our reality that we can't see, or lost the ability to see?


Well-Known Member
Who here has contimplated other dimensions. Or even other realities that may run parralell to our own?


Active Member
i got to be a hater i dont believe in gnomes bro ive been real real fuckin high people have said that though and i think their full of shit no drug u take dmt lsd will have you see an actual gnome thats bullshit other fun fractals all day, no gnomes dude


Well-Known Member
I don't know about gnomes. I've heard several stories, and witnessed several instances where other entities have been "real" in our own reality. The stories that I refer to are from first hand accounts. And like I've stated in my first post. All of my experiences, and the other witnesses experiences were not experienced while on any type of ingested materials. Or due to any type of obvious environmental factor.
Just bc you may not have personally had an experience, does not mean that thousands of others haven't.


Well-Known Member
Who here has contimplated other dimensions. Or even other realities that may run parralell to our own?
I put on some dubstep once and ran the itunes visualization and ingested 1400 mg of DXM.. I just stood there staring at the screen or walking around like a zombie talking about the other side and another dimension.. My girlfriend told me all about it the next day cause she was there while I tripped..

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i dont think the other side is a place where we go when we die or anything like that (i think most reasonably that when we die we cease to exist, but thats just my opinion) ... but ive always liked the idea that when i dream, my mind travels to another universe void of absolute natural laws... where laws like gravity and breathing can be bent or broken.

ive heard say that when you dream, you're really going on a dmt trip of sorts.

ive only had experience with lucid dreaming, lsd and cubensis mushrooms, and i have never seen anything besides a warping rotating kaleidoscope of colors that change shape (always geometrical) and merge in and out of eachother, every color you can imagine. my vision blurs and goes in and out of focus aswell.

whatever the other side is, be it another dimension or merely a figment of my imagination... its fucking crazy.

(it took a lot of research and insight to remember and figure this out... but when i was little i used to have dreams about the machine elves, the orange ones... that look like an orange ball, they move and shake and make things out of vibrations... and they want me to look at them, and they want to jump inside of me and back out again. i dont understand what this is, but i have read about a lot of similar stories when people take high end doses of dmt)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I don't know about gnomes. I've heard several stories, and witnessed several instances where other entities have been "real" in our own reality. The stories that I refer to are from first hand accounts. And like I've stated in my first post. All of my experiences, and the other witnesses experiences were not experienced while on any type of ingested materials. Or due to any type of obvious environmental factor.
Just bc you may not have personally had an experience, does not mean that thousands of others haven't.
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.
-Bertrand Russell