Experiment: Keeping clones in fridge for over 60 days..


Well-Known Member
I am in on this , hope it works out.Would save a lot of room and keep strands longer


Active Member
So we are at about day 7 now. Here are the pics you guys wanted. If anything, I would say the plants not sitting in water are looking a little bit better. But at this point its hard to say. I opened all the jars today. Let them get air. Breathed in them a little.



Active Member
This would be successful if you
a) removed all of the leaves except for the terminal buds, keeping only 1-2 nodes max under that point.
b) removed the standing water (which will go stagnant) and instead, mist to keep RH high every few weeks if you notice stem wilting

They ship plant cuttings like this all the time, in the hundreds of thousands. But that usually doesen't last more than a week in transit. Hopefully you can figure out if 60 days is doable


Active Member
Good advice. For the sake of testing should I leave the half inch water in there and replace with fresh every couple weeks? I dont really want to change it to misting because then the test is sort of corrupted. What do you guys think?

What exactly does "terminal buds" mean?

and what do you think will happen the the cuttings that are vacuum sealed in the bag?


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys. In 3 days when I open the jars I will give fresh water too.

Thanks for showing me the terminal bud pic.

I will try to either take more clones and to the terminal bud and only a couple leaf method and post pics when I start that.


Active Member
Here are pics. They look pretty much like I just cut them today. I think the ones with water are a little fresher looking. We are at about day 14.

No water: DSC08150.jpgDSC08146.jpgDSC08154.jpgDSC08145.jpgDSC08149.jpgDSC08153.jpg

With water ( I dumped the old water and put fresh tap water in there.) DSC08152.jpgDSC08156.jpgDSC08147.jpgDSC08151.jpgDSC08155.jpgDSC08148.jpg

This one is vacuum sealed in the generic stuff that comes with vacuum sealers. DSC08144.jpg


Active Member
No water: DSC08191.jpgDSC08195.jpgDSC08186.jpgDSC08190.jpgDSC08194.jpgDSC08187.jpg

With half inch water: DSC08197.jpgDSC08189.jpgDSC08198.jpgDSC08193.jpgDSC08188.jpgDSC08192.jpg

Vacuum sealed: DSC08185.jpg

So overall I would say the ones with water look a little more fresher. The ones with no water are starting to look a little tired.


Active Member
the vaccume sealed one looks good
slight color change.

Whats weird is that depending on which clone you look it some look perfect even if they are or not in water. I just can't tell if the water is making a difference. Plus the last time I opened the jar was longer from the previous time I opened it and blew air into it. So breathing into the jars every couple days seems to be something that makes a bigger difference. Because when I waited 6 days instead of 3 to open and breath into it, I noticed a greater difference. More droopy looking less fresh.


Active Member
With Water: DSC08215.jpgDSC08219.jpgDSC08210.jpgDSC08214.jpgDSC08218.jpgDSC08211.jpg

Without Water: DSC08217.jpgDSC08213.jpgDSC08221.jpgDSC08212.jpgDSC08216.jpgDSC08220.jpg

Vacuum Sealed: DSC08222.jpg

What I notice: Next time I will take hd video so that you can see what I see better. There is certainly a trend at this point. We are at about a month. Those clones that are in half inch water look worse than the clones with only air. The ones in water are starting to change color, leaves and stem to a more purple faded color. One of the jars I saw mold. You can see mold in the pic if you look closely too. Color change is the most noticable difference with the samples that are in water. The samples not in water I think the best way to discribe it is that they look a little tired. No real color change, maybe the plant looks softer instead of firm. But there is no mold, no color change. Also, the bigger the cutting the more healthy it looks. Except the ones in water.

And like always, I exhale my breath into each jar when I open it. I also replace the water with clean water. the moldy jar Im throwing out and wont be part of our test anymore. One thing I wish I did was vacuum seal 2 jars. One with water and one without. Someone claimed to get clones rooted for after sitting for 6 months using that technique.