experiment part 3

i think thats why im not taking it too seriously cause i know the minute i start tryin...i;ll kill it. lol that just my luck tho. where can i see pics of yours>
yep. and i owe you thanks for that awesome idea! it was super easy and im hoping that by doing the cuttings maybe i will promote more growth! then maybe ppl will stop telling me to kill it:clap:

no problem and hopefully the cutting does help i read somewhere on the forums of a different kind of pruining that promotes more then 2 shoots. i hope the stem grows strong enough to support the bud weight if nto u might have to tie on some supports. +rep for you for not given up lol
no problem and hopefully the cutting does help i read somewhere on the forums of a different kind of pruining that promotes more then 2 shoots. i hope the stem grows strong enough to support the bud weight if nto u might have to tie on some supports. +rep for you for not given up lol
lol yah ill look for that. i thought bout that too! if i have to i can get supports for it set up. but im thinkin it will be fine. im going to flower within a month or so, im not making profit i just want the satisfaction of taking a hit off something i grew! :weed:
lol yah ill look for that. i thought bout that too! if i have to i can get supports for it set up. but im thinkin it will be fine. im going to flower within a month or so, im not making profit i just want the satisfaction of taking a hit off something i grew! :weed:
same here, i kept my cfl's super close tho like half an inch off so my girl is compact. yeah id deff flower after a bit more foilage happens. keep me posted im very interested on this grow hell when it starts to get big u can even throw a light or 2 in the middle of the hoop for max light coverage
hm thats a thought too.. im about three inches away...light being moved rite now! lol. i added u to my contacts and i plan to continue to posts my "experiment" weekly or so...
hm thats a thought too.. im about three inches away...light being moved rite now! lol. i added u to my contacts and i plan to continue to posts my "experiment" weekly or so...

yeah i got the email. just put ur hand under the light and if its to hot for ur hand then its to hot for the plant. so find a nice comfortable heat distance ratio. also do u have a fan on it? that will help out stem growth a shit load
i dont have a fan on it but its in my room and my fan is constantly on. its pretty out in the open so it gets plently of circulation. i dont give it nutes only bc its grown in miracle grow...thoughts on that?
im growing in shultz pretty much the same thing. id just add some nutes come flowering time since time release nutes are already in the soil. hell ive even got nute burn fromthe stuff so i know the mg's got a decent amount of nutes in it
the next time u think it should be transplanted id get rid of the MG. i just added a crap load of good black soil and mixed it with the shultz when i transplated.. by the time ur done flowering and all tho u wont have to worry about the MG the nutes will be long gone. aslong as u flush before flowering and i believe its the last 2 weeks before u harvest aswell
shes moved onto experiment part . . erm 5 now , pre flowers started , as did 12 /12 - ill stop now so i dont totaly ruin reading it for ursel