Experiment With Chinese Led Blurples


Well-Known Member
I have been using Chinese Blurples about like the ones in the Ebay ad below.

My standard approach with emerging technology is to shoot no higher than 80% of state of the art.
Prior, I was using t5 CFLs and actually getting acceptable grows. Potency was always good although quantity was not optimum. Is there any improvement with cheap leds? Yes.

The vegetative cycle results have improved so much that I could use these lights for that indefinitely.

With the flowering cycle, quantity has almost tripled. The flowers are also more potent than with CFLs. There has been one possible imperfection. Far more fan leaves are dying prior to harvest. Since results have improved so much, worrying about that is a luxury. I have been told by someone who I believe knows, that my lights are to close. LEDs work better at 18" away than right next to the flowers. That seem to be helping.

Carl Jung once wrote. "Be ware of wisdom you haven't earned." That is why I do experiments rather than rely solely on others for advice.

Who should use Chinese blurples? Certainly no one who is in the running for grower of the year. Someone who is growing for home use, especially if commercial cannabis is cost prohibitive, will get result that are more than acceptable. These lights are much cheaper than T5 CFL fixtures plus bulbs and produce more and better cannabis with far less heat.
Up until recently CFLs have been part of the poor man's grow. They honestly do work well enough to produce good cannabis for personal use.
The new poor man's grow will be that of using Cheap LEDS. If the goal is to produce an abundant supply of usable cannabis, they do a more than adequate job at that.
What is with the way they rate these things?

Actual Consumption: 185W
Rated Wattage: 1000W
HPS Wattage Equivalent: 350W

It's deceptive for them to state "1000w Full Spectrum Led Grow Light" When the actual wattage is much less and then have the HPS equivalent of 350 watts. I'll stick with my 4ft four bulb HO T5 that puts out 216 watts which is what they state. If anything I'll get another four bulb fixture for $50 and have eight bulbs. I don't know where you're pricing T5 fixtures but they're available for less than that light you posted a link to. You don't have to pay an exorbitant price from some cannabis specific grow shop. You can get the HO fixtures with the ballast for the 54 watt bulbs from numerous industrial supply stores. Same thing just doesn't have some cannabis specific branding.
Nice thread @bartow, are you planning to post a grow? If so then sign me up to follow.

Thanks Deadhead13. I never post images because I get too much advice I am not asking for. Beside, I am a slob and my grow room looks super bluesed out. Maybe I will turn over a new leaf someday. Besides, at the moment I don't own a digital camera. I do have plenty of weed though.
Thanks Deadhead13. I never post images because I get too much advice I am not asking for. Beside, I am a slob and my grow room looks super bluesed out. Maybe I will turn over a new leaf someday. Besides, at the moment I don't own a digital camera. I do have plenty of weed though.

I understand. I hope it all goes well.
Blurples suck arse, they use too much blue and no green... good luck getting penetration through a thick canopy with no green...

Fuck spectrum, as far as we know there is no substitute for the actual number of photons hitting... and that game belongs to the medium power white LEDs (with plenty of green in).