Experiment with fan leaves


Well-Known Member
Have 4 plants 4 1/2 weeks in flowering. Plants are 4 1/2 feet tall. Doing nice. I know I'm not supposed to remove fan leaves but they are shading the lower buds. I took a bunch of bread bag ties and very loosely put all my large fan leaves in "ponytails". I still have all my fan leaves but I have a lot more light reaching my lower buds. Has anyone tried this before? Does anyone know of a reason why this wouldn't work? The bottom halves of my plants are loaded with buds but they aren't nearly as big as the buds on the upper halves. I want everything I'm supposed to get come harvest time.


Well-Known Member
should work out fine as long as the ties aren't on too tight so as to restrict "blood flow"


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea to me.....I actually go against opinion and trim leaves sometimes. I've never had any adverse effects (IE stunted plants).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response Magic. I thought about that so I put the ties loose. My fan leaves are now about one third the size they used to be.


Active Member
yea magic is right your ladies should be okay dude what strain of plants are they and can you post some pics of tha pony tails i would love to see that????:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Polly. The only trimming I have done is the very bottom of the plants. The stuff that is yellowing and obviously is not going to go anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response BigBoss. My plants are called the purps. I ordered them from bcbuddepot before I found out that they had a bad rap. They sent me the seeds like really fast. They did appear a little immature but out of the seven that germed I ended up with four girls. They are nice and healthy. I took 12 clones off them and all 12 are doing very nice also. I've put three of them in flowering along with their moms. I'm not much of a puter person but I'm going to try and get some pics on


Well-Known Member
Thanks hothousemary. I was hoping you would respond because you spoke to me on another thread. I wondered what you would think. see ya


Well-Known Member
You are much welcome Bigboss. I'll take some pics tomorrow when I go back. Will digital pics take o.k. under metal halide or should I move one out of the lights?


Active Member
im a out door grower so i really cant tell you but what i can tell you is that i think they would look better under the light of the beautiful sun!!! but that just my opinon!!!


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with you. I would love to grow some outside but there is absolutely nowhere to do that. I live in a sort of high profile sort of place. Well at least inside I can grow year round.


Active Member
yea true but growing indoors is not an option for me cuz i still live with my mother damn it:evil:! lol good thing we have woods behind the house huh!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks hothousemary. I was hoping you would respond because you spoke to me on another thread. I wondered what you would think. see ya
anytime!!! Looking forward to those pics or your grow... especially wanna see how the binding works after a couple of weeks....


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Hothousemary. I'm curious about the binding too, It may be a waste of time, no benefits at all. But we don't learn by not experimenting.


Well-Known Member
thats the mindframe!! I doubt it will be a waste of time either.. if nothing else we learn from your experiment... there is a thread on here by B. THC R+D where he is presently using small amounts of apple juice in his flush before harvest... check it out its really cool the things he has come up with.. if ya want a link let me know and Ill send ya one.


Well-Known Member
think of leaves as solar panels. leaves collect light and convert it into energy. buds do NOT collect light, leaves do. the more light on the leaves the more energy is delivered to the buds. just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
You have given me something to think about, Thanks, Fdd. thinking......thinking........toking........thinking.......thinking.....
This particular strain is supposed to harvest at 7 to 8 weeks (according
to BCBuddepot) I'm 4 and a half weeks in. When is it that the fan leaves start to shrivel up and Yellow? With no longer than I have left, hopefully the added weight I
"should" gain by having a lot more light on my lower buds would outweigh any loss I may suffer by not having as much fan leaf exposure. I think I will take the ponytails back out of one plant and then after it's all said and done I will know better what to do on the next batch.