Experimental everything, hoping achieve with great simplicity and improvisation.


Well-Known Member
Hi y'all, I think I have just discovered a new hobby possibly even passion , in the form of cultivating some greens, I guess I just got sick of having to buy weed that comes in the form of roughly 2:5:2:1 (ratio of ingredients Bud:leaf:seed:twigs :cuss:)...
So after much researching and even consulting some badass online articles well out of my league of the Phd sort :confused: , I took the first step to converting a cupboard, into my lil' box of fun .I am mostly experimenting and trying to see what I can achieve and learn along the way on the long path to becoming a top dog lean mean green growing machine, and thus I have not yet committed to investing in hps or mhs ,but rather gone with a very cheap DIY led setup. I have made up my very own grow light using nothing more than.... you ready for this, Led ribbons the kind you use on Christmas trees and the like , they are smd 5050 strips , which cost about 13 GBP on ebay for a roll of 300 lights. Got me 3 of those rolls and wired them up in the ratio of 2 reds to 1 blue and threw a couple of whites in there as well , just so I don't have to see my lovelies in a tone of red (I normally associate red lights with slightly disrespectful and slutty ladies, and that just is not the case with the lovely babes in my cupboard), all in all I have about 1000 leds drawing a total of 8.4 amps at 12v which works out to roughly 104 watts, I will upgrade this to 250 watts plus as time progresses.
I will get some pics up as soon as I can figure out how to so you can understand better what I am rambling on about, and hopefully have a diary from seed to bud for anyone and everyone to consult in future , assuming the experiment does not end in a catastrophic cock up.

So here are the specifics so far .

Cheap homemade red:blue led panel made of Chinese smd 5050 strips drawing roughly 104 watts (1000 leds)

Cupboard has been lined with reflective emergency blanket material bought cheap from a 1 pound store (temporary fix will upgrade to mylar later)

Seeds germinated :
3 barneys farm Pineapple express fem auto
2 THC Bombs regular
2 Seedsman Sleestack x skunk1

Space w:l:h feet 2:3:5

Grow media and nutes , I decided to go all organic with an all Biobizz set up, thats the ALLMIX media with the bio grow , bloom and topmax , I also got me a small 30ml of superthrive.

I got 2 PE on 10L airpots 1PE and 1 TB in a cut up 1 gallon (5 L) water bottle (covered with black plastic) 1 TB in a 10L used paint bucket and the 2 SS in random smaller containers I found lying around.

Idea is to harvest the 3 autos whilst the 4 photos are vegging, so I am deliberately going to keep the 1 TB and 2SS in small pots so they do not grow beyond my means of available space.Hopefully when the autos are done, I will have sexed the 4 photos and prob end up with 2 females ,I will be trying to selectively pollinate some branches for some seed so ideally would hope to get a male and female of each, but thats a long shot with the kind of luck I have .

So here goes, I am already 10 days into the grow and will upload all photos and fill the diary of day 1 - 10 in a bit.

I do like to do things my way ,and that means in most cases go against the general opinion that some people who might have more experience suggest, but by all means if anyone does see that I am about to commit any attrocities to my babies , please do step in and tell me off if you wish, but as I said I want to learn, and there is no better way to do so than to make mistakes so if anyone does take interest in following this thread do not be upset if this project ends up failing, because it will only make my next one a lot more likely to succeed.

Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Here goes a couple of pics of my lights and grow cupboard .

phone pics 01.13.13 169.jpg

The improvised lights , looks dangerous and a potential fire hazard, but its low voltage 12v and very little heat which the pc fan takes care of easily.
phone pics 01.13.13 170.jpgphone pics 01.13.13 169.jpgphone pics 01.13.13 172.jpgphone pics 01.13.13 124.jpg


looks good man. if theres no heat of your leds get them as close as possible to your sluts and youl be just fine... welcome to the hobbie :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
good luck, ...and welcome to the hobby.

peace, bozo
Thanks B hope to go all the way and hopefully I can learn a thing or 2 and possibly someone else might too, idea is to try and keep it simple to show it can be done even on a lower budget type of way.

Anyways , first problems have started showing on day 10 , leaves on 3 of the plants both Sleestacks and one of the PEs have turned slightly yellowish by the veins , I believe this to be LED bleaching, I have had the lights very close to the plants and from what I have researched, plants can not handle very high intensities of blue, as it stunts their growth and breaks down Chlorophyl , so I have moved the light panel about 2 feet away from the canopies.

phone pics 01.13.13 168.jpg

There is also very little space between nodes suggesting further that light intensity is a little too much, who would have thought it from my cheap Chinese Xmas tree lights lol.I actually do have a good feeling about these lights,personally I think a lot of the light emitted from the traditional Mhs and HPs is wasted in spectrum that the plant does not use , if this works out its bound to change how people perceive grow lighting ,because this is as rough and basic as can be lol .And I have promised myself not to introduce any other form of light other than the extra LEDs to bring total output to 200 odd watts.


Well-Known Member
looks good man. if theres no heat of your leds get them as close as possible to your sluts and youl be just fine... welcome to the hobbie :eyesmoke:
Thanks Bob :D , actually I did have them real close but leaves of the taller plants were beginning to get LED bleached (think I have a little too much blue in there) so I moved it 2 feet up , will play around with the distance until I get it just right.


Well-Known Member
im pulling a seat for this im with u all the man... bongsmilie
Awesome mate , will give me all the more reason to keep the thread updated, however , I think its best I replicated the thread in the LED grow section , so I could get better tips from the people in the know how .

I am moving this thread to here :


any further updates will be done there, and I might abandon this one ,as it will be pretty much the same thing really, so please feel free to tag along if anyone wishes to do so, will be glad to have you bongsmilie