Experimental Newbie! Grow along

Started bag seed beginning of August got up to 6 nodes, I topped it looked great then I read about mainlining, and well....did that too! Cut above the 5th node then saved the top to see if it would take as a clone. So good so far into day 2 with being traumatized. Also left 2 lower leaves just to see what would happen but removed lower preflowers. Started 9/11 2 autoflowers 1 wwxcm and one AH....AH took off and WW pretty short. FF trio nutes arrrived today so they were fed, still having a low PPM with runoff on all & pH differing from 5.7-6.0 between the 4. All grown in coco, perlite mix. Light below in pics and gorilla shorty tent to arrive Friday due to weather becoming colder, other than that have been getting good ol sunlight. Any help appreciated! E8E8E40D-2478-4BE3-8B21-1CE9FDB4CF49.png


Update: AHA week 3 into flowering, WWxCM flowered later and is going into week 2...I think! Topped photo looks good(scared to flip with the 2 autos in)new growth seems pretty light green but growing hasn’t halted so hungry maybe. pH around 5.6-6.0 PPM 12-1300 no nute burn. Cal-mag goes into feed and watering. Feed-water-feed alternating days with run off becoming less so will likely increase amount given if it will help. Light schedule on 13 off 11. After defoliating Tuesday


Destroyer of chairs

Well-Known Member
You should never use plain water. Feed nutrients every time in coco. There was a reason I just cant remember it :eyesmoke: how is ur drainage?
Newbie myself btw so I encourage you to double check, just started trimming my first.
Cal mag goes into the PhD water on water days, I hear about build up or is that not a problem in coco? Drainage is good with plenty of runoff I’ve just noticed with the same amount they’ve been getting, less is coming out and drying a tad quicker. After trimming they come back immaculately!:weed:

Destroyer of chairs

Well-Known Member
Cal mag goes into the PhD water on water days, I hear about build up or is that not a problem in coco? Drainage is good with plenty of runoff I’ve just noticed with the same amount they’ve been getting, less is coming out and drying a tad quicker. After trimming they come back immaculately!:weed:
Yeah you feed until u get some runoff(20% ish?) to prevent salt buildup.
Guess if u put calmag in u could get by, but really just feed same every feed. Less chance for fuckup and its the recommended way to go. Optimally u feed several times per day with coco/perlite mix.

They do not bounce back after this sort of trimming, got them upside down along a wire for drying :)
Yeah you feed until u get some runoff(20% ish?) to prevent salt buildup.
Guess if u put calmag in u could get by, but really just feed same every feed. Less chance for fuckup and its the recommended way to go. Optimally u feed several times per day with coco/perlite mix.

They do not bounce back after this sort of trimming, got them upside down along a wire for drying :)
Ok you trimming TRIMMING! My bad ;) and I have a high PPM it seems (went up to 1350 and the green is coming out more) but no nute burn so I’ll try to feed daily and see if it helps with the lighter new growth, they seem hungry after the water so it makes sense now....hopefully it’a not too late! Since they are soaking up more water should I water some before feed so less is just sitting in the pot leaving more chance of salt build up?Hopefully I worded this correctly.!

Destroyer of chairs

Well-Known Member
Ok you trimming TRIMMING! My bad ;) and I have a high PPM it seems (went up to 1350 and the green is coming out more) but no nute burn so I’ll try to feed daily and see if it helps with the lighter new growth, they seem hungry after the water so it makes sense now....hopefully it’a not too late! Since they are soaking up more water should I water some before feed so less is just sitting in the pot leaving more chance of salt build up?Hopefully I worded this correctly.!
It's not to late.
It might just be the weed, not sure I understand. No? Don't use plain/phed water.

I grow in ur medium. I blasted my girls with feed(in volume not strenght), way above 20% runoff. They seemed to like it. Doing this I waste some nutrients but runoff testing becomes less important(actually just stopped doing it) cause medium gets a mini flush every time.
Gotta say I'm really not too sure about nutrients strengths. I ran about 1.5 EC in flower at max, pretty same in veg just different mix. This was 1/2 - 3/4 of label recommended dose on base and 1/4 calmag.

How much does ur feed differ from ur Runoff in EC and pH? U wanna be within 0.3 EC, if its higher feed them more at a time. Or u could feed same/less but more frequent.

Best would be an automated system that feeds them a little several times a day. Less hassle and optimal way to do it with Ur medium. Stability will also let u focus more on whatever u wanna experiment with. Water routine is suddenly just mixing a batch once a week.
Gave the girls yet ANOTHER haircut last night, will see how they do this AM. Been forgetting to post so updated pics before and after defoliating:blsmoke:....looked at the little clone at the bottom yesterday and SHE HAD ROOTS:clap::hump:little skeptical because the mother grew like crazy and is now into flower..wondering if I should try this monster crop business in a week or 2 to keep the rotation going? Please help advise with how I should do this if I want to keep plants going in the tent.I figure the clone that has already been started will be large enough to transplant possibly by the time the 2 autos come out? Before:


Plants still look good and growing....(always a) BUT ppm/ec lowering with ph rising?! Is this normal should I flush? Or keep up with feedings?
Decided to zone in on feed ph instead of runoff for a few weeks, too much watering with the same results

