EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

@Dr. Who

I still disagree with you on the issue! No diversion as "trichome" production is often the call of those who champion longer dark periods for growth increase! In over 40 years of growing. I have tried this idea, several times! I have yet to count any real % increase in trich's.

Perhaps "counting" was a waste of time. You can't count the qualitative increase in trichome production as you can quantify it. Terpene development, this is what I was referring to. 4-5 days in, when tiny flowers are present, the terpenes developed in that time give off a "finished" scent (when the plants are brushed against). This level of terpene development (in the strains tested) does not occur within 4-5 days of 18/6 to 12/12. With 24 hours of dark, it does.

Please clarify, "In over 40 years of growing...", cannabis?

The plant is a Mustard plant. In college, it was the go-to plant for experiments (not so important). Your point is correct but,,,for the yield part, as WE grow FOR concerning yields to plant grown. --- What I'm saying is that the increase in the mustard plant yield is realized in total Biomass increase. NOT in flowering point increase (this is what WE would need to increase our yield) I'm saying the increase is in the increased stretch. I've seen this IN school, in an experiment close to whats going on here. Sadly, in the actual industry they quote as it helping (farming). How can we apply this extra darkness in the field?
With ALL honesty. I would use this if I could! It would increase alfalfa yields quite nicely!

You cherry picked a "buzz word" (biomass). Yes, "biomass" is used in the article, but it states that this information will be applicable amongst varying plants to generate "crops that grow faster, produce greater yields of food or generate more biomass per acre". So, yes, absolutely, manipulating the light cycle will accelerate flowering as well as increase flower production. In my experience, matured plants with a healthy root system that are subjected to 24hrs of darkness pre-12/12 will not only produce more resin, but flower material as well (larger buds).

Plant descriptive terms - YUP. Ok, your correct on the second part too! BUT, it's not an acceleration IN flowering. It's an acceleration TO flowering, (faster flowering onset)......In every experiment I have ever done to attempted to decrease the flowering time by increasing the darkness at the transition, it did notgive a significant return! It did so little, other then give increased node spacing - that I don't do it! I can't for the life of me remember the kids name in school who tried this in his grow. It didn't work for him either and we were taking mostly AG classes!

An acceleration in the onset of flowering will result in shortened flowering time, that's a given. Apply it anywhere. All else being equal, a quicker start results in a quicker finish.

I don't need to explain the benefit of 24hrs of darkness, the research presented does that. I will say that anything longer (36, 48, 72, 96) appears to "stress" the plant, slowing onset. I suspect this is due to nutrient "exhaustion" at each bud site (exaggerated yellowing) and the plant in general.

I gotta ask then (Trust me, I have not the lack of understanding you speak of [not offended either] and I'm not attacking you either!)
Tell me please. How many days does this 24hr darkness remove from normal bloom times?
Did you do a side by side? Same mother for the clones? Run more then a cpl of plants and a side control? Did you actually do any trich counts per sq. mm? (If it looked possible in mine, I did cm counts too!) These turned turned out to be a non-affect percentage wise!

In my experience, the difference is ~a week to 10-11 days. Purely anecdotal, but these results are (in general) amongst clones from the same mother, in the same room, introduced to bloom periodically, multiples introduced at each interval. Also illustrated varied terpene development and yield (24hrs dark being optimal). I've never counted trich's. Visual, the "nose", yield, and the smoke have been my points of reference. Pepsi Challenge amongst friends and family also.

You say "unlike"

Cannabis does react directly to the pfr bands of light (DEEP reds)! All C3 plants do! The bands that are involved are like the 724 to 736 nm range, with the greatest response/effect between 727 to 733nm. This is considered the spectral banding that puts the plant to "sleep". In nature you get this right before sunset into darkness after sunset. This is a period of around 2 hrs of weak exposure. If you give indoor MM a dose of this with 10w 730nm diode LEDs (covers a 10x10 area effectively). The plant is completely at rest in less then 15 min!
The idea of this being, that you can increase lights on times in bloom by those 2 hrs, and increase the yield. I did this several times in several area's. I ran 3 light area's and 3 control area's. IT WORKED! But, found that in my case. The cost to return ratio as being a not viable situation.

You say "unlike"- Yes, I did, but I started that side note with "nb" (i.e.; "Nota Bene"). That highlights notable points and includes the information that follows. I did not include all of the information, "nb" highlighted an area of interest, reading that particular section would have "filled in the blanks". Anyhow, this is what I was referring to within that article;

"The situation in LDPs is, however, different. Generally they are less responsive to night break treatment (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). In contrast to SDPs, longer night interruptions are needed, and the flowering response is often semi-quantitative in nature. Furthermore, in contrast to SDPs, most LDPs require far-red light at the end of the light period to interpret the light period as a long day (Thomas, 1998; Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). If instead far-red light is followed by red light in the second part of the day, promotion of flowering is poor or absent (Fig. 3). In SDPs the light quality given at different parts of the light period has little effect on flowering. These differences in responses to night or day are not perfectly correlated with SDPs or LDPs, and some SDPs also show a weak response to light quality during the day. For this reason, plants can be classified as either dark dominant or light dominant. SDPs are predominantly dark dominant, while LDPs are predominantly light dominant."

So, exposure to Far-Red and (deep) Red light (or any other color, for that matter) have little effect on flowering in Short Day/Long Night plants, such as cannabis.

Regardless, the information regarding Pfr and Pr (Far-Red and Red receptors), Far-Red Light and Red Light, has been misinterpreted. You are not going to get an extra 2 hours of "Lights On" by exposing the plant to Far-Red. You can, however, assist the onset of Flower by exposing the plant to Far-Red during your first "night" of transition. Far-Red exposure converts Pfr to Pr, low Pfr levels and high Pr levels trigger bloom. Once in bloom, as the article states, qualities of light make little difference (darkness converts Pfr to Pr, so 12/12 sustains low Pr). In other words, trying to get a plant to bloom that is already in bloom won't make it bloom "more".

As this change from Pfr to Pr in darkness is gradual and not immediate, the 24hr initial dark period will convert a greater amount of Pfr to Pr than 12 hours of dark will. Therefore, not only a hastened response due to inhibited ELF3, but a more potent response due to lower Pfr/higher Pr.

Regarding a "Grow Log", probably won't ever post one. I have a wife and 3 kids, own several businesses, did I mention 3 kids. I don't have the time to maintain a log (my notes for each run eat up enough of my limited time). I do, however, have a good number of pics in "Seed and Strain Reviews".

I've been at it a long time, but was a "clone snob" (I turned my nose to seeds, "hard wired" believing that good genetics were only to be found in rare clone only elites, very "ignorant" of me). Tired of having to quarantine bug and disease infested clones I scoured the Internet to find the "latest and greatest" in seed. After seeing how cool much of the community is, I decided to climb out from under my rock... and here I am.
I gotta experiment going ,
sorry if this interrupts the back & forth (it's been fun )
hit this with a blue corn SSD IMG_20160819_1029557_rewind[1].jpg

that pix is 36 hrs later after a SST breakfast
it had been stacking buds (it's a old mother ) but the spurt is all over the plant it is pushing laterally with branching calexes
seed grown romulian x afi OG
the rest of the G/H is in flower stretch Or setting buds
I'm doing organic in amended coco
a better shot that matches the yesterday pix
hard to get the camera to do that with the g/h wall back lit
but I want the same shot as yesterday
she's in a 35 gallon IMG_20160820_1307278_rewind[1].jpg
the plant was slid over after the 1st shot soo the rafters appear to change location
the gurl next door needed room
I didn't insult you in the post you are referring to and I haven't intended to insult you... ever. I, too, have enjoyed the "back and forth". In fact, I was sincerely looking forward to your response to my last post (I've added it below).

Were you offended by me saying "all of the science..."? You shouldn't take that personal, I say that because I haven't read anything "peer reviewed" that contradicts my own findings.

Was it about the "quote Shenanigans"? That wasn't at all aimed towards you. I was quoting your post yesterday and two "end quotes" we're being added to the end of my post (automatically by site software). I could not delete them (after saving changes they returned). These "end quotes" encased the bulk of my response within your quote. I did find the error, a missing slash ("/") in the second segment of what I was quoting (I still don't see why the software would add the "end quotes" behind my response). I mentioned "quote Shenanigans" in my response to Captn because I quoted him and a good portion of the quote was not within the "quote".

Again, I'm not sure what you interpreted as an insult, but I haven't thrown so much as a "jab". Very sorry if something I said rubbed you the wrong way. Being sincere here.

Anyhow, I was eagerly awaiting your response to my last post (below), or are you utilizing a clever tactic and diverting again (now I AM" ribbing" you a bit).

Hmm! How interesting!
Cap's still out there??
Following me around with his never ending hate and bile?
How quaint! We have our own TRUMP!
I ignore him too!
Regarding a "Grow Log", probably won't ever post one. I have a wife and 3 kids, own several businesses, did I mention 3 kids. I don't have the time to maintain a log (my notes for each run eat up enough of my limited time). I do, however, have a good number of pics in "Seed and Strain Reviews".

I've been at it a long time, but was a "clone snob" (I turned my nose to seeds, "hard wired" believing that good genetics were only to be found in rare clone only elites, very "ignorant" of me). Tired of having to quarantine bug and disease infested clones I scoured the Internet to find the "latest and greatest" in seed. After seeing how cool much of the community is, I decided to climb out from under my rock... and here I am.

Only takes a minute to snap a photo or 2.
I've posted plenty in "Seed and Strain", mostly in the "Clone Only" thread.

Here's a couple from today. This is my GSC, not the Forum cut.


No flash.


Maintaining a log just isn't the most efficient way to use my time, time management.
Maintaining a log just isn't the most efficient way to use my time
I agree if I had/took time for a log then something is Not getting done around here , i'll pix & drop on threads that welcome them
but no ,
I just don't have time to keep it up correctly , timely & if I can't do right then it's stress at that point , just not needed atm .
Ok, long weekend at the race track......time to get back to the "repartee" While I have a few before going to Gingerman raceway for Fast Guys Day today! ;-) (Now that I have some manditory vac time - I decided to spend it on old loves - Cars and speedways!

So, exposure to Far-Red and (deep) Red light (or any other color, for that matter) have little effect on flowering in Short Day/Long Night plants, such as cannabis.

Regardless, the information regarding Pfr and Pr (Far-Red and Red receptors), Far-Red Light and Red Light, has been misinterpreted. You are not going to get an extra 2 hours of "Lights On" by exposing the plant to Far-Red. You can, however, assist the onset of Flower by exposing the plant to Far-Red during your first "night" of transition. Far-Red exposure converts Pfr to Pr, low Pfr levels and high Pr levels trigger bloom. Once in bloom, as the article states, qualities of light make little difference (darkness converts Pfr to Pr, so 12/12 sustains low Pr). In other words, trying to get a plant to bloom that is already in bloom won't make it bloom "more".

As this change from Pfr to Pr in darkness is gradual and not immediate, the 24hr initial dark period will convert a greater amount of Pfr to Pr than 12 hours of dark will. Therefore, not only a hastened response due to inhibited ELF3, but a more potent response due to lower Pfr/higher Pr.

Interesting - Especially sense I have done this experiment and did get just about 2 extra hrs of available lights on time in bloom!

Now here's an equalizer to our quandary!

I must say that you have me "Spocked" (wife's term for when I raise one eyebrow)..So much so that I'm seriously thinking about doing a 6 plant 3 strain test run again and for the final time. I mean it can't hurt anything - Why not test an extended darkness before the flip again. 3 plants get the 24hrs of darkness and 3 controls do not. I don't expect to get your results. It's expected to get the same I got in the past.

I just simply have to try it again.......I will not gloat or razz! I will simply post results. Problem is I have to wait for the clearing of probation. I think it's only 2 months left, maybe 3......As soon as that clears. It's on....I will post pics, not many but, there will be enough to see any difference's......Once I begin plant development, I'll let you know Odin.

11-14 days ! I never got anything near that - I've gotta try again.....I'll be measuring yields by weight too. Same soils same everything -BUT the dark period!

For now it's just that we don't agree on the topic('s) and ideals......That's fine! I'll do it again, just to see once more -won't effect a run, so I'll do it and share.

Been nice talking to you on the QT Odin! It's been taken back to the public....
@Dr. Who It does make a difference. You should also have a group that is exposed to far red (only fr) for several hours before the 24hrs of darkness.

It is my experience that this extended dark period elicit's a greater response to the onset of bloom. I attribute this to greater hormonal response/changes. My Blue Dream (lost ~4 years ago) was finished in under 8 weeks (~50-53 days). Everything I have now I take down around day 60-61.

Edit- Phone expressing it's own feelings.
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I am SO tired of coming on these forums and hearing all of the haters. For example - someone reads about grows in a set-up they are not familiar with, and start bashing. Yet, THEY don't have any successful harvests under their thumb, lol. How do they know? Because they smoke the herb I GROW, and then bash? Where are your harvests? Where is your EXPERIENCE?

This really makes me laugh. I have been tokin' and growing longer than some of you KIDS have been ALIVE lol. I am not saying I am the almighty in pot growing 'cuz I'm not. Nowhere close.


The following are "tricks" I have actually DONE, and have not just read.

I will present different techniques I have come across on these forums and have wondered about, and offer first hand experience.

Feel free to contribute, bash, offer advice, amend erroneous info...i won't be offended.

#1. You can't grow weed with Miracle Grow.

Answer- WRONG. You can...AND very SUCCESSFULLY. Back before many of you kids were born, I threw beans in Miracle Gro potting soil. Never added anything but water, and harvested some amazing buds. Even did it under CFL...sure the harvest was minimal...maybe 14-29g, BUT not because of the Miracle Gro ... it was the CFLs.

Point is, if you have-
1. Correct ph
2. Temps/humidity under control
3. Proper lights

you WILL produce.

Look, Nitrogen is Nitrogen, whether Miracle Gro makes it, it General Hydroponics ( both are now owned by MONSANTO...LOOK IT UP)... Go ahead and pay the man with your slave money... Me? I am growing fine without calmag, gh nutes, advanced nutes, or any of the other grave robbers lol that call themselves COMPASSIONATE.

#2. Giving your plants 24 hour darkness before flipping to flower

Answer- when I did this, my plants FREAKED OUT... BUT, they shocked only for 24-36 hours before settling down. I did this with a RESERVA PRIVADA Kandy Kush...she was a clone, and ended up being phenotype"fast blossoming indica dominant" ... she showed pistils in SIX DAYS..... but..... I also ran

#3. 11 on 13 off light cycle for flowering

Answer- plants did wonderful, don't feel I lost a lot of weight, but then again I am not in this for the money.

it is my PASSION. I LOVE THIS PLANT and all it brings to humanity. Should be free and available to EVERYONE.

Hence this thread...more to come as I "experiment ".

I leave you with this thought for now...

Don't believe everything you read, EVEN what I wrote here.


Anyone can read and bash...they are the ignorant egotistical mofos that read Cervantes, Rosenthal, and all the rest of the "masters" lol and think they know it all, as they pump out hundreds of dollars for nutes that create for under $15...and it is enough food for at least 30 plants over 5 months.

Am I "growing master"? Lol..NOT EVEN CLOSE. DON'T ask me how to do this or that, I don't know. BUT, I urge you to GO FOR IT.

At the end if the day, NONE OF US know how this really works. We "guess" and get a "feel for it."

And that only comes with experience.

SO- please DO share actual experience with what you have found... please DO NOT regurgitate the crap you have READ ONLY.

Don't say, " Well I have HEARD..."

Please say, "Well, I DID ...this.... DID NOT do this, etc."

Let's "WEED" out the TRUTH about WEED, amongst the vipers of the MMJ community of the universe.

Peace love and grease

Checking out for another month or so, to reap reap reap, while you naysayers weep weep weep.
Excellent man. I'm new to this and I've ru into several of these Elitist snobby types on here. Lol the COB master race. Now before yak blow me up I'm not talking about every one! You come into this and folks are almost automatically trying to get you to buy shit like these companies are paying. I'm trying to stay simple and cheap. I don't want want all the big brands. Idgaf I wear Walmart jeans yo!
I came on this forum to make connections with experienced grower like 10+ years experience. Not some sob who grew some half ass bud and sold it to high schoolers for 30$ a g lol.

Leason learned today wolves in sheep's wool every fucking where!
@Dr. Who It does make a difference. You should also have a group that is exposed to far red (only fr) for several hours before the 24hrs of darkness.

It is my experience that this extended dark period elicit's a greater response to the onset of bloom. I attribute this to greater hormonal response/changes. My Blue Dream (lost ~4 years ago) was finished in under 8 weeks (~50-53 days). Everything I have now I take down around day 60-61.

Edit- Phone expressing it's own feelings.

As far as any pfr supplements for longer lights on. - I don't do that anymore - sold the LEDs to employees and friends (had 3).

Lighting is HPS - When HPS lights are turned off. You get a minor diminishing pfr "burst" as the arc tube cools. That is enough to send the plants to "sleep" in the "normal" or natural time.....So as for fr lighting, I'll get what an HPS gives! Most likely the bulk of people reading along are running HPS!

I'm liking the idea and effectiveness of water cooled COB lighting BUT, LED tech changes so fast.......I feel I'll go down that road in a year or so...Till then - 1k HPS in bloom with T5 EYE Hort UV bulbs supplementing (2 per Jupiter hood - each long side)
As far as any pfr supplements for longer lights on. - I don't do that anymore - sold the LEDs to employees and friends (had 3).

Lighting is HPS - When HPS lights are turned off. You get a minor diminishing pfr "burst" as the arc tube cools. That is enough to send the plants to "sleep" in the "normal" or natural time.....So as for fr lighting, I'll get what an HPS gives! Most likely the bulk of people reading along are running HPS!

I'm liking the idea and effectiveness of water cooled COB lighting BUT, LED tech changes so fast.......I feel I'll go down that road in a year or so...Till then - 1k HPS in bloom with T5 EYE Hort UV bulbs supplementing (2 per Jupiter hood - each long side)
If everything goes as planned I'll be demoing the future soon 8)
As far as any pfr supplements for longer lights on. - I don't do that anymore - sold the LEDs to employees and friends (had 3).

Lighting is HPS - When HPS lights are turned off. You get a minor diminishing pfr "burst" as the arc tube cools. That is enough to send the plants to "sleep" in the "normal" or natural time.....So as for fr lighting, I'll get what an HPS gives! Most likely the bulk of people reading along are running HPS!

I'm liking the idea and effectiveness of water cooled COB lighting BUT, LED tech changes so fast.......I feel I'll go down that road in a year or so...Till then - 1k HPS in bloom with T5 EYE Hort UV bulbs supplementing (2 per Jupiter hood - each long side)
I have a question first time grower. I want to run my lights at night. I have an hps and I haven't even get me yet! Girls aren't here yet.so I germinate a seed pop it in soil. Should I go ahead and start running at least a couple of cfls on the night schedule so if they sprout during the night it will think it's day time?
I have a question first time grower. I want to run my lights at night. I have an hps and I haven't even get me yet! Girls aren't here yet.so I germinate a seed pop it in soil. Should I go ahead and start running at least a couple of cfls on the night schedule so if they sprout during the night it will think it's day time?

No need to supply lighting to seeds till you put them in soil and they are out of the surface......
I'll take my popped bean.
I place it in the soil or media and I then supply light. The proper "temp" CFL is wonderful for seedlings on small scale grows.
Trying a new method called splitting your stalk. You're supposed to do this two weeks before Harvest it's supposed to increase bud swelling and potency by 25% while doing this stressful method and you leave them in flowering for more than two weeks they will hermaphrodite, your buds become seedy :( has anyone tried this???


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