Was not in any way bashing you !!!! Nor was I putting your way down !!!!
Was telling the OP that asked the question we were answering that the water was not the best way to revive em if they get too dry. Putting a live leaf in the jar adds moisture to the jar. Hell you can use an orange peel or a slice of apple too, does the same thing but alters the taste. The pot leaf does not effect taste. Huffing into the jar does the same thing as well as we have moisture in our breath and we exhale CO2 which is good for storage purposes.
using water will add O2 to the jar once it evaporates, it is well known that O2 degrades THC over time. Hell O2 decays pretty much every thing it comes in contact with. And there are two ways to ferment/cure things Aerobic and Anaerobic one is with O2 and one is without O2
When I post it is to teach, never to bash or belittle, I know it is common here at RIU for folks to do so, I get bashed on a lot LOL because I do things a tad different