*EXPERT* opinions needed


Active Member
hi iam getting ready to start my first LEGIT indoor grow. For all the EXPERTS, please feel free to leave any comments/suggestions. from all the stuff ive learned, this is what i feel is right so if theres any thing iam doing wrong, please correct me. :peace:

First off, i think ill start with the grow room. imma be using a Dark Room DR120 - 3'11" x 3'11" x 6'7" for the flowering room with a 600 watt digital hps with an Easycool6 reflector. if iam correct, i think iam suppose to connect something to both sides of the reflector? one side is pulling air in, and the other is pulling air out?

also iam wondering if iam able to grow DENSE nugs with a 600 watt hps. keep in mind that ill have about 6-8 plants flowering under it. if i cannot grow dense crystally nugs under a 600 watt, ill go with a 1000 watt.

ill have a couple normal house fans blowing the plants for good circulation. also i might add a few more vents?(or w/e they are called. i gotta read alittle more) for better environment.

i will be using FOx Farm ocean forest soil in 5 gallon growbags.


i will be using T5s for veg. vegging them in 1 gallon grow bags. ill be using a soil that is perfect for vegging but wen the plants get bigger, i will transplant them into a 3 gallon grow bag with ocean forrest soil.

i am basically using the fox farm nutes, superthrive, and seaweed extract.

so if i did anything wrong, please tell me what i should change. also to all the EXPERTS, iam having alittle trouble with the air/humidity stuff so some help would be great. peace and love :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
6 1/2 ft: but u have to think how tall ur hydro set up is + how low r u going to let the light get to the plants so they dont burn..that can take away 3 ft right there..so u really dont have 6 1/2 ft...peace


Well-Known Member
Run SOG with twice as many plants. MG is right. 6.5 feet is actuall low, but plenty of room to get it done. And as far as the 600 digital... you are on your way. don't do a lot of veg. I would say you have about 4 and a half feet of vertical growing space to work with. so flower when they are young , or you could tie em down I guess. just depends on how long you want to veg and how long you want your whole grow to be...... Sounds promising though

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah man a 600 will pull some nice nugs, its all about watts per square foot, 50 per foot is the point of diminishing returns, the only place i would change your plan is the transplanting before flowering, i think putting them in soil rich in nitrogen right before you flower will cause problems in the way of prolonged flowering and stuff like that, besides once you set the plants to bud basicly what the plant is doing is dying so i think you should put them in the bigger containers earlier so they can take advantage of the room earlier but other than that it sounds good, im using the dr 150 and i pulled 17 oz with a 600 and a 430