Only an immature little putz would make fun of someone this unfortunate, you're a puke UB.
Only an immature little putz would make fun of someone this unfortunate, you're a puke UB.
Calling people at home, and then asking people if they are employed, is not an accurate way to calculate job growth. All the good jobs are going over seas, while the BLS cooks the books. They should call it the BS, because thats what this is. Bull Sh*t
i agree, it is kinda mean to point out the mental deficiencies of your new best friend freedomworks, aka socky McJizzsock.
but i find it disingenuous coming from you. where was the same sensitivity when you tried to insult someone by calling them a "nigga"?
sounds like i am being lectured by a racist hypocrite piece of shit.
I love how I get under u-bucks skin so much that he brings me up out of conversation.You've got it wrong lil' bucky. I'm YOUR new best friend. Love how you think about me constantly. Makes me feel special.
Conservatives have no problem with gay people joining the party. We welcome them.
Probably not, because the supreme court has already decided to leave it up to the individual states.
You can tell uncle bucky is a democrat, just like all of them. You ask them a question and the idiots ramble about something else or about someone. Right bucky
The platform affirms the rights of states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriage. It backs a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Read more:
The defense of marriage act
The Unemployment Rate was brought down by a surge in Government hiring
Obamacare-induced jobs growth in health care
and continued part time downsizing which reflects in the report as continued employment