expiermental grow


Active Member
I am doing my first attempt @ an Indoor grow My plants are Looking healthy they are 36 day's Old Im not sure the strain or strains as I did use 2 diff seed's as well Im not sure if these are male or feamale and I wanna use one as A mother plant.Here are some pics that I hope will help In finding out A Little More Info On them, thanks for Everyone's help in Advance.



Active Member
I guess what I am asking is can anyone tell if these are male or feamale as well as what strain these are?


Well-Known Member
you have to wait til you see preflowers or until you switch the lights to 12/12 if you dont know what preflowers are search for it!


Active Member
Thanks,I know what pre-flower is thanks to this site LOL I have been reading these forums for 2 months and not sure why I never registered.Do you know if there is a way to tell what strain they are?
thanks for all your input


Active Member
1 of the pots Have 3 In it 1 has 2 And 1 has 1 In it I am useing An Ontario potting soil as well am fertilizeing them with The Shitz fertilizer a friend got Me @ a head shop but befor he got me that all i had was Shultz 10-15-10 not sure if it was a good idea to switch but the shitz is all natural guano mix


Active Member
Do you think It was A bad Idea to Switch them from from shultz 10-15-10 liquid fertilizer to the Shitz 7-4-4 organic growth blend? Should I flush and go back to the Shultz and wait to use the Organic growth blend for Budding?