Explain YOUR High


Well-Known Member

To each their own. We all have different experiences with cannabis, each and every time we smoke, in fact, if you are... record it and please post your experience here.

My goal is to find similarities within each of our experiences. I seem to have a more psychedelic experience with cannabis, where others (including my friends) have a more euphoric experience. This has always made me curious as to understand what a high really feels like in a more descriptive manner.

Below is a record of what I am feeling now, sort of an example to use. *Tip; "Become mindful to truely experience a high"


Colors are very vibrant; the television, pictures on the wall, all seem like they have an ambient glow from the corner of my eyes as I write this post. My body vibrates gently, from my shoulders to my feet like I am falling (softly) or bound to the earth by an electric connection. My vision seems a little distant, almost like I am writing this post on with a keyboard on my lap and watching it project on a screen at a cinema.



Well-Known Member
The high i have, puts all my thoughts in a line, enables me to focus and sleep. Ive always said without weed i dont think i could shut my brain off.


Well-Known Member
i smoked casey jones and now romulan. I have been so peaceful today and in tune with the earth. Great high. Very spiritual.

i should be more descriptive, well im going to load another bonghit..

ill make it a huge one

mmmm tasted great, little cough....

rub my head n shit.......eyes feel a little heavier, i notice sounds......and the way the smoke is lingering in wispy strands......my hands feel like an extension of my body like behind gloves though...typing with them and seeing them respond to my mind is awesome.

I can type fairly fast too so right now I'm just typing to see how fast my fingers can move and its crazy that our muscles remember this shit.

rested head on hand for a few seconds...i can see where this is going


Well-Known Member
my high of choice is being eaten alive by the couch, with lead eyelids. stop the ferris wheel.....i wanna get off. it just stops the wheels that never stop spinning. i describe my perfect high as "mu," Japanese for "empty."


Well-Known Member
Everything has subtle visuals... like it seems more clear and bright. When I just sit still with no noise, it's very easy to drift off into my thoughts. Ummmmm...hmmmmm...uhhhhh... I just realized that explaining your high is kinda hard.

I feel more tall.
I usually feel very relaxed, but if something upsetting comes to mind, I can get paranoid and freak out (e.g. I walk down the street dreaming off and next to me passes a bus; somehow this makes me think that my father might be in there, even if it's not his usual route, he might see me and notice I'm high) and freaking out feels like a pain in the chest, as if my heart tried to race but couldn't.

My thoughts become very dreamy. When I'm sober and I imagine a story I'd like to write, I see the story played out in my mind like a movie; when I'm high and I do the same thing, it's being played out in a very dreamy way, like in a surrealistic movie. It's wild to experience this. I lose track of time. I feel like I escape out of time with my mind, just flowing to some inner realms where my stoned thoughts take me, and then realize that only 2-3 minutes have passed.

The music perception is so different. I'm able to hear aspects that I never heard before. It sounds more alive and it surrounds me all over. The best thing I ever experienced was listening to The Beatles' Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds while stoned; I felt as if I was in a cathedral and the sound was pouring in arcades all over my being. Hard to explain it logically, but I guess you all know what I mean.

Everything I see seems brand new to me and very interesting. I look at things I've known for a long while and I'm amazed as if I saw them for the first time (and knowing all along that they are very familiar to me). There's poetry in everything I see or hear.

I am more aware of the positive feelings I have towards the people I love. When I do interact with them, even on the phone, I am overwhelmed with how much I love them.

Also, when I'm high I tend to be very open about my drug use, I'm less prone to feel bad, guilty or ashamed about doing drugs. I want to share with the world the wonderful feelings I experience. I tend to forget all the stigma surrounding drug use (which is not a good thing to happen, since last time I was high, I talked to one of my friends on the phone and told her what a great high I was experiencing - and this was happening at the university campus fast-food; luckily, none of my teachers were there).

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
tingling starts in the head and feet and meet in the middle, a smile is put on my face as i stare with blurred vision at the ground. i feel completely content with doing nothing at all. there is joy in boredom. a snack will make this perfect:eyesmoke:. This is just the 1st 2 min. after that snack who knows whats next.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I always end up literally saying "wow" out loud when I'm high. My friends have already gotten used to it and use it as a way to tell when i'm baked :).

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
makes me feel like im in a dream that i cant wake up from, makes me think of things i would have had a hard time thinking of without being high. allows me to focus on the now instead of the past or future. makes me hungry, sometimes sleepy.
I had a 5oz bottle of Delsym (Don't judge me) It kicked in and it's like everything I do and say and think is just abosoulutley perfect. I don't feel super ultra mega high but this is wat I imagine extacy is like or heaven or the state of nirvana. Actually I feel extremely fast and strong to I feel like I have unlimited energy.


Well-Known Member
Definitely more of a cerebral thing for me. I do get a bit of a "body buzz" out of it (almost a hum, or reverberation) but nothing like an opiate buzz where your body feels like it's floating on a cloud. Marijuana highs act as both a social lubricant, and an appetite stimulant for me ..... neither of which I require, so I end up philosophizing and eating way too much every time.


Well-Known Member
Calm and serene,Focus is multiplyed especialy when it comes to playing an instrument,the sounds and impressions are easier to put together making a dialogue with your own music.But thats besides it all,No bright colors or anything psychadelic,Just the here and now being multiplyed unto itself.

Legalize Nature

Active Member
Noises from the T.V. catch my ear... I could be in another room, but what's playing in the background I'm extremely focused on. It's very strange bc w/o weed I couldn't care less about the background noises... Wouldn't even notice it.

Lights do seem brighter, and somewhat blurry. This allows me to appreciate the scenery more. Just this morning (4 a.m.) I walked outside and it was very foggy, with the street lights glowing through it. My mind began to wonder off... Very mystic to me. * Once again, w/o the smoke I wouldn't be nearly as interested.

I guess my stone is one where everything around me seems to glow... Things that were "grey" are now full of color and life.


Well-Known Member
Pretty strange. I don't like my high, but hey its the relationship with mary, it has its ups and downs.. I LOVE getting high alone. But whenever I have to interact with the outside world I get scared. I used to think Id grow out of it or something. But my dad never grew out of it, im almost 25 and I haven't yet.. If I smoke too often I do, but fuck that having barely any tolerance Ive grown too see as better. I smoke now like only once a night xD Like thats even a good tolerance thing.. I dunno... Im very high (:


Well-Known Member
oh man im havin a fantastic night....mental floss n fire og kush...laughin....playin awesome guitar.....chillin by the fire....what a night


Well-Known Member
It just mellows me out, relaxes every muscle in my body and gets the thoughts flowing. Followed by a lot of food.