Extraction methods. Need help and explanations.

Thanks guys. My wife asked me the other day if the isopropyl could react to anything in the herb and I wasn’t sure. We were fortunate enough to have elemental sodium and potassium in high school chemistry class. I remember the potassium was a lot more fun but very carefully distributed. This would all be a moot point if the price of ethyl wasn’t so controlled here.
Why do I never see hemp oil used for extraction?

You would think it would be an obvious choice using hemp seed oil. My guess is price.

Hemp hurd makes a good hydroponic medium, also seems like an obvious choice but not very popular at the moment. Somebody in the states should look into that with all the piles of hemp they grew this year.
Yes it is pricey. Close to coco and MCT here, so that shouldn't be cardinal...
Taste is another thing though, but I like the taste of hemp! and my first thought about this when I first bought some CBD oil, was that hemp seed should be the OBVIOUS choice!... :roll:

I also actually have found some texts talking about using hemp seed oil for the unknown spirit of entourage effect...
But it seems to be a general perception that MCT and coconut is THE carrier of choice!

Its sooo bloody difficult trying to navigate between commercial interests and facts at our beloved interweb... :cry:

Found this text:

Coconut oil is pretty much the perfect carrier oil for CBD because of its saturated fat content. The way that cannabinoids work molecularly is that the higher the lipid content of the oil they are in, the better and more efficiently they can absorb. Conveniently, coconut oil contains up to 90% saturated fat, as opposed to olive oil and hemp seed oil which only contain around 14% and 11% fat content, respectively.

These lipids come in forms of either medium-chained or long-chained triglycerides and the body transports each type differently through biochemical transporters. Medium-chain triglycerides absorb and break down quickly whereas long-chained triglycerides require certain enzymes to help absorption and breakdown.

Since the saturated fat content of coconut oil largely comprises medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) instead of long-chain triglycerides (LGTs), you don’t need to be concerned about it clogging up your arteries.

In fact, coconut oil is one of the only natural oils that has a high content of MCTs. While these serve as an excellent energy source that is much easier to metabolize than complex carbohydrates or LCTs, they also act as an advantageous carrier for CBD.

Ultimately, the reason why most of the best CBD oils are made with coconut oil as opposed to hemp seed oil is because coconut oil has more saturated fat. Therefore, it can break down and carry more CBD molecules, and ultimately deliver more cannabidiol to our cells for absorption.

Without coconut oil, a large percentage of CBD molecules simply end up making their way to the liver, at which point they’d be treated as waste and simply excreted through urine. This is why you want to select a CBD tincture that uses coconut oil over olive oil or some other type of oil.
At the same time it’s not like us northerly latitude types use a lot of coconut oil in our diets. At least not traditionally. A good bowl of soup could serve the same purpose regarding saturated fats.

Shelled, split hempseed is something I regularly include in my diet.
Yes nutrition is a study of its own... And I understand the "packet" of getting good health from cannabis includes some other type of living then what I (sorry to say so) have bothered to look into... But maybe me too learn some day... :P
(Of course I understand people getting forced too learn this the hard way. I have been lucky so far!)

I am all the way getting the impression that "carrier oil" is of highest value for to be able to fully take advantage of the cannabis though. Regardless of how balanced (or not) your intake is otherwise!?..
But then again, If you can get it concentrated enough to only use drips on your gum, I guess that part isn't of value anyway.
At least this is how I have understood the whole availability discussion. -If you can get it right to your bloodstream this does not apply!?
But I also understand that some agents are easier to absorb through skin. -maybe threw gums too?...

Another thought.
First we are doing extractions and winterizing and what not to get rid of lipids, fat and waxes!
Then we are choosing a saturated fat oil as the "perfect carrier", adding our nice and clean product back to that!?... :o
Yes I understand that cleaning process might be of interest for vape and smoke, but for edibles??...

Now I just ordered the tCheck btw! (That doesn't do hemp oil though)
Exiting! :D:weed:
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I've just read that the decomposition of short and medium chain triglycerides (SCT/MCT) start already in the mouth, while long chain triglycerides (like olive oil) mainly are done in the small intestine.

Sounds like coco DO play a part even if you add to you gum?...

I do understand there are recommended amounts of different fatty acids intake. But as @Freedom seed pointed out. -in the small amounts we talk about here, are there other benefits with olive oil other then just being traditionally used?...

@orre, I did something tonight that reminded me of an earlier topic in this thread.

After scraping the bottom of my oil jar and with the next one not quite ready yet I decided to eat some hash. I dumped some dry sift kief on a spoon and held it over the gas burner until it darkened (about a minute @ 180F, infrared thermometer). A quick twist in between the fingers and it rolled into a nice quality decarbed hash ball and down the hatch it went.

The strain I made it out of yields kief well, and has strong terpenes of the most beautiful incense and spices. I chewed it for a bit and it just tastes amazing.

I still don’t think I’d be eating commercial hash anytime soon. But definitely lots more of my own. Plus it has a nice kick that I was not expecting.

How is that for easy, cheap, clean, and whole? Also a method that has quite a history behind it as well.
full spectrum meds are what its about. Not for burning...:idea::idea::idea:
Washing herb with Medical grade isopropyl Alcohol 99% gets the same amount of meds as Butane. Can be purged just as easy and safely as well. Wont see you blow yourself up either.
I dont use the shit for smoking.
Its only for meds ...........................................and IT WORKS..:idea::clap:
Im proof of that :weed:
Just to let everyone know..
I used RSO and made it with WHITE GAS........... YES I DID............................. and guess what??
I stopped using white gas or PURE NAPHTHA..... which is hard to find....
ONLY because of this kind of discussion.
at the time There was no discussion about it...You just did it and found out for yourself.
If I had listened to my oncologists?,,,,,,, I'd be dead over 8 years ago. He didn't know either but THOUGHT HE DID and was very forward about surgery, chemo, radiation and death, with in a year
So hearing people yap about this shit when THEY HAVE NOT DONE this SPECIFICALLY for themselves?

is PURE UTTER BULLSHIT and should be kept to themselves:idea:
@gb123 I am glad to hear! :peace:
@Freedom seed I have never even seen home-made hash or kief... Sounds nice! 8)

Got the tCheck now, and it works a charm!
Seems the recipe of 100g. dry weed per litre oil in a 2 hour ~105°C-110°C crock-pot, gives about a 1:1 THC ratio so to speak.
That is, a strain I measure to ~16% THC gives a ~16% THC ratio in the finished oil.

The oil yield should be about 85-90%, but with my small tests I only got about 70% loosing quite a lot in the filtering.
(Btw. Saw a tip for capturing the leftovers washing the gear with the same bottle of alcohol over and over)
-Quite an amazing yield isn't it! :weed:

The guy with the recipe said he does 1,5ml. a day? (about 40 drops) Me and my lady haven't got further then about half of that...
Sleeps like a child, a bit of hangover in the morning, and good results though!
I have quite less joint pain, but what is really gladly is that my lady, that have severe nerve damage after chemo, radiation, and breast removal and reconstructing, experience a maybe 80% loss of those pains and cramps! -And not least gaining sleep! :D
-She did notice a major improvement already using CBD-oil with no THC btw.! 8)

The tCheck cannot give me other then the dominant compound content, and I am still waiting for ordered concentrates from hemp. Haven't got hold of pure CBD strains yet..
My idea is to be able to make an oil with a quite controlled content with lab tested concentrates, and/or with different strains.
Also thinking I might do 2-3 different types concerning different terpenes and cannabinoid ratios. With the help of the tCheck hopefully being able to do batches quite evenly! to help people in my surroundings! :D

/Orre :peace:
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@gb123 I am glad to hear! :peace:
@Freedom seed I have never even seen home-made hash or kief... Sounds nice! 8)

Got the tCheck now, and it works a charm!
Seems the recipe of 100g. dry weed per litre oil in a 2 hour ~105°C-110°C crock-pot, gives about a 1:1 THC ratio so to speak.
That is, a strain I measure to ~16% THC gives a ~16% THC ratio in the finished oil.

The oil yield should be about 85-90%, but with my small tests I only got about 70% loosing quite a lot in the filtering.
(Btw. Saw a tip for capturing the leftovers washing the gear with the same bottle of alcohol over and over)
-Quite an amazing yield isn't it! :weed:

The guy with the recipe said he does 1,5ml. a day? (about 40 drops) Me and my lady haven't got further then about half of that...
Sleeps like a child, a bit of hangover in the morning, and good results though!
I have quite less joint pain, but what is really gladly is that my lady, that have severe nerve damage after chemo, radiation, and breast removal and reconstructing, experience a maybe 80% loss of those pains and cramps! -And not least gaining sleep! :D
-She did notice a major improvement already using CBD-oil with no THC btw.! 8)

The tCheck cannot give me other then the dominant compound content, and I am still waiting for ordered concentrates from hemp. Haven't got hold of pure CBD strains yet..
My idea is to be able to make an oil with a quite controlled content with lab tested concentrates, and/or with different strains.
Also thinking I might do 2-3 different types concerning different terpenes and cannabinoid ratios. With the help of the tCheck hopefully being able to do batches quite evenly! to help people in my surroundings! :D

/Orre :peace:
the hang over? lasts only minutes, unlike Alchohal that lasts all day and half the next or any Pharma made shit
I use low pressure and low heat to mechanically separate the thca out.
Are you pressing or blasting with butane?
Appears to be butane related..........sauce would be the stuff I throw away.
Sauce is fats,waxes,lipids.........what ever thca you missed.........garbage.
Not added back for flavoring as stated,added back as weight for profit.
Not a product I would Fuck with as without proper vacuum purging it is poisonous.
I could be completely wrong about your product impossible to say without actually knowing.