Extraction system question


Active Member
hello! I am thinking of getting 1x 400w and 1 x 600w HPS lights for a 1.2 metre X 1.2 metre X 2.0 metre grow tent. I have a 5 inch extractor fan will that be sufficient to keep the tent from over heating. I have those inline fans so if need be i can buy another one and connect them together to make it more powerful. ALSO IS IT COMPULSORY TO HAVE A FAN FOR AIR INTAKE OR IS IT ENOUGH TO JUST LEAVE A SMALL HOLE OPEN TO SUCK AIR INTO THE TENT AS THE EXTRACTOR FAN SUCKS AIR OUT OF THE TENT?


why would you have both those lights in such a small space? That is a huge amount of heat to vent. Are you planning on buying sealed lights with a glass lens? What is the ambient air temperature outside the box like?

To answer your question, yes you could ventilate with a single 5" inline fan in such a small space, but you should seriously reconsider your options regarding those lights.


Active Member
why would you have both those lights in such a small space? That is a huge amount of heat to vent. Are you planning on buying sealed lights with a glass lens? What is the ambient air temperature outside the box like?

To answer your question, yes you could ventilate with a single 5" inline fan in such a small space, but you should seriously reconsider your options regarding those lights.

I see!!! So it is too much light you say? so even if i have two 4oow lamps that would be too much do you think. And i am going to be growing 14 fairly large (1 metre plants) and roughly 30 small cutting plants sea of green next to it. so as you can see there will be a lot of foliage in that small area hence i was thinking about getting more light but heck if you say it will be too much maybe i should just getanother 250w to add to my 400w soi would have a total of 650 in a 1.2 metre X 1.2 metre tent. And yes the otsid ambient temp is cold about 1-5 C so even with 400w on it only reaches 19-22 C and at night it dipping badly to 14-17 C depending on the outside temp. PLEASE DO GIVE ME YOUR ADVICE SHOULD I GET ANOTHER 250W OR 400W OR 600W???TO ADD TO MY 400W
I see!!! So it is too much light you say? so even if i have two 4oow lamps that would be too much do you think. And i am going to be growing 14 fairly large (1 metre plants) and roughly 30 small cutting plants sea of green next to it. so as you can see there will be a lot of foliage in that small area hence i was thinking about getting more light but heck if you say it will be too much maybe i should just getanother 250w to add to my 400w soi would have a total of 650 in a 1.2 metre X 1.2 metre tent. And yes the otsid ambient temp is cold about 1-5 C so even with 400w on it only reaches 19-22 C and at night it dipping badly to 14-17 C depending on the outside temp. PLEASE DO GIVE ME YOUR ADVICE SHOULD I GET ANOTHER 250W OR 400W OR 600W???TO ADD TO MY 400W

you can never have too much light.

the heat will be the issue, if you have extra fans you might be ok putting one for exaust, and one blowing in.

if its still too hot in there with that set up, you should really look into the air cooled housings for the lights, close them off and run the fans through the lights, those air cooled deals work real well, and im sure will keep your tent cool enough

peace love respect


Active Member
you can never have too much light.

the heat will be the issue, if you have extra fans you might be ok putting one for exaust, and one blowing in.

if its still too hot in there with that set up, you should really look into the air cooled housings for the lights, close them off and run the fans through the lights, those air cooled deals work real well, and im sure will keep your tent cool enough

peace love respect

I dont wanna make things more difficult than need be. If i can add another 250w and provide optimum levels of light im happy to do that. if not, than i will get another 400w making total of 800w. I think that should be enough. if need be il get another little fan to blow air in or out whatever is needed.

Peace cuz


You haven't mentioned yet if you have a light with a sealed glass lens or if you have the budget for one. There are two advantages to such a light;

1. It keeps the overall room temperatures down when properly vented

2. You can actually get your light closer to your plants increasing the effectiveness.

If you already have a 400W light and it's not an air cooled sealed glass lens type hood, I would make it so. In addition I would maybe add a 250W light since it's such a small space.